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Monetary and Fiscal Policies Causing Financial Crisis

Essay Instructions:

800-1000 words

Details: Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will be due by Monday and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time.

Deliverable Length: 800-1000 words

The financial crisis of 2008 has caused macroeconomists to rethink monetary and fiscal policies. Economists, financial experts, and government policy makers are victims of what former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan called a “once in a century credit tsunami”—in other words, nobody saw it coming.

Based on the analysis of the data, share your thoughts on what caused the financial crisis and whether the United States is going in the right or wrong direction with its current policies.

Focus specifically on the following:

- Monetary policy

o What monetary policies do you think caused the crisis?

o What were the effects of the policies implemented in reaction to the crisis?

o Do you think the solutions worked in the short term? In the long term?

- Fiscal policies

o What fiscal policies do you think caused the crisis?

o What were the effects of the fiscal policies implemented in reaction to the crisis?

o Do you think the solutions worked in the short term? In the long term?

Make sure you include the following concepts in your analysis:

- Interest rates

- The financial services industries (CDOs, CMOs, the stock market, credit flows, money markets, etc.)

- Tax rebates

- Stimulus


- Government debt and deficit

- Inflation

- Unemployment


Essay Sample Content Preview:
The financial crisis began in 2007. This was because the Federal reserve shifted its concern from inflation to financial stability. It later spread to other economies especially in advanced economies due the direct exposure to subprime assets, loss of confidence in a number of asset classes, and drying-up of the wholesale financial markets CITATION Mer101 \l 1033 (Merrouche & Nier, 2010). Through such mechanisms, it exposed "home-grown" imbalances in finance in advanced economies that were characterized by relying heavily on wholesale funding sources by banks and bubbles of assets in the real estate market. The causes of the crisis are deep rooted with varying views on its causes CITATION Mer101 \l 1033 (Merrouche & Nier, 2010).
Adrian & Shin (2008) lament that research finding have revealed that monetary policy had a hand in the global financial crisis. Policy rates at the time were maintained at a very low rate for prolonged period CITATION Mer101 \l 1033 (Merrouche & Nier, 2010). Therefore, this reduced the cost of wholesale funding for intermediaries, caused banks to take liquidity and credit risks, and increased the supply and demand of credit inform of mortgages that raised prices of assets (housing) CITATION Mer101 \l 1033 (Merrouche & Nier, 2010).
De Nicolò et al. (2010), on the other hand, proposed a "risk-shifting" channel through which monetary policy caused the financial crisis. To them low short rates effect on "risk-taking" are ambiguous and propose the opposing "risk-shifting" channel CITATION Mer101 \l 1033 (Merrouche & Nier, 2010). Here, the persistent low policy rates are linked with reduced risk taking as these low short rates profits and intermediation margins that in turn reduce incentives for risk taking among the intermediaries CITATION Mer101 \l 1033 (Merrouche & Nier, 2010).
The function of the fiscal policy was to maintain economic stability through economic automatic stabilizers. Discretionary fiscal policy taken on a case-by-case basis was to be avoided and be rule-based CITATION Ben13 \l 1033 (Benner, 2013). The government budget was to be balanced or indicate a surplus. These automatic stabilizers contributed to the increasing gap between tax revenues and public expenditure. This was due to the shift from focussing on inflation to the focus on stabilization CITATION Ben13 \l 1033 (Benner, 2013).
In recessions, the typical response by Central Banks is through monetary policies. For example, the interest rates in the United states were lowered. As mentioned above, fiscal policies rely on automatic stabilizers CITATION Car121 \l 1033 (Carvalho, Eusepi, & Grisse, 2012). That is, fiscal deficits increase with a fall in tax revenues and rise social safety net outlays. Contrary to this, the severity of the 2007-08 financial crisis required complementation of the conventional responses with other aggressive approaches, for example, expanding central Bank's balance sheet and fiscal policies to be placed CITATION Car121 \l 1033 (Carvalho, Eusepi, & Grisse, 2012).
The United States increased Central Bank balance sheets to reflect policy measures with different goals and channels of transmission. They classified an alternative form of balance sheet policies that distinguished; exchange rate-related policy that affected the volatility and level of exchange rate; a quasi-debt management policy for lowering the cost of borrowing and raising the prices of assets; credit policy for improving the conditions for financing in the debt market of the private sector; and a bank reserves policy that stimulated aggregate demand by boosting lending CITATION Car121 \l 1033 (Carvalho, Eusepi, & Grisse, 2012).
In addition, the United States g...
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