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Module 7 DQ 2&3: Balanced Scorecard Conduct Research

Essay Instructions:

Conduct research on the topic: balanced scorecard. Hypothesize why this model is considered a comprehensive as well as systemic model for measuring an organization's improvements in results.
The balanced scorecard looks at the company’s financial situation from a comprehensive perspective, looking at the company’s health as a whole, comparing short and long term benchmarks and goals, the product, how things are processes internally, financial status and all stakeholders; and also from a systemic perspective looking at the long and short term goals, production, employees, internal processes, customers and financial status and their relationship to each other.
According to Lueg and Vu (2015) the “implementation of a balanced scorecard facilitates comprehensive strategic alignment throughout an organization” (p. 308). A BSC allows an organization to link it short term performances with their long term goals, aligning through a chain of cause and effect relationships connecting lagging and leading indicators (Lueg & Vu, 2015). Basically through cause and effect they can see an average of organizational indicators, connecting short term performance with long term goals (Lueg & Vu, 2015). The BSC looks at financial, customer, internal processes and learning and growth.
The BSC is a comprehensive model looking at the short term and long term results, financial, customer, internal processes and learning and growth; and is systemic (balanced product and process effectiveness and efficiency) by looking at both ends in terms of production, and balancing internal processes of the company with the growth and the customer and financial ends. Comprehensively the BSC looks at the whole picture, systemically the BSC looks at long-term performance via sequential actions, beginning with systems and employees, the businesses internal processes, and the customers helping the company to reach the intended bottom line (Lueg & Vu, 2015).
Lueg, R. & Vu, L. (2015) Success factors in balanced scorecard implementations: A literature review. Management Review 16(4), 306-327. Doi 10.1668/mrev-2015-04-Lueg
Conduct research on the topic of impact of servant leadership on results. Find two articles or references that report research that demonstrated the impact of servant leadership on results. Identify the search terms you used to find your two articles or references. Describe the impacts realized.
The subject of administration is unpredictable, and one of the fundamental issues confronting leaders today is that they do not effectively partake in the fulfilling putting their employees first and treating themselves as servant. Servant leadership contains a comprehension and routine of authority that places the benefit of the employee above the benefit of the leader. A servant leader has genuine duty to his or her adherents and overwhelmingly serves the necessities of supporters, thus giving vision and strengthening, with administration being the primary movement of the worker pioneer.
In my first article by Melchar and Bosco (2010), servant leadership supported that modeling servant leadership creates a positive organizational culture. Servant leadership can provide a successful alternative to other leadership styles such as autocratic, performance-maintenance, transactional, or transformational. This is seen in the exemplary performance of the organizations used in this study. As noted in the article luxury automobile markets require a high level of servant leadership in order to continue to be successful and retain consumers who will continue to purchase more expensive vehicles (Melchar and Bosco, 2010).
In the second article Jenkins and Stewart (2008), discuss the implications of hospitals expenses as a result of lack of servant leadership. It is in the best interest of health care organizations, patients and members to enhance job satisfaction. This research suggests that the care component must go beyond the nurse caregiver and be embraced as a managerial function across the entire organization. Care of the staff through managers who are committed to serving them and meeting their emotional needs may be the key competitive advantage in health care in the 21st century (Jenkins & Stewart, 2008).
The Statistical findings of this study provide evidence that behaviors and attitudes do impact job satisfaction. The use of servant leadership improved both individual and group satisfaction.
In addition, there is some indication that this servant leader orientation might ultimately be an important predictor of higher unit productivity on organizational measures such as personnel turnover and patient care. The research provided by Jenkins & Stewart (2008), suggests that servant leadership supports the emotional labor capability when managing professional care providers. Management in a health care environment might be enhanced by a more servant-oriented management approach (Jenkins & Stewart, 2008).
In order to research articles, I used the terms servant leadership and impact and results. The search words did not create any issues in my search.
Jenkins, M., & Stewart, A. C. (2008). Enhancing Nurse Job Satisfaction: The Importance of a Servant Leader Orientation in Health Care Management. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, 1. doi:10.5465/AMBPP.2008.33641731
Melchar, D. E., & Bosco, S. M. (2010). Achieving High Organization Performance through Servant Leadership. The Journal of Business Inquiry, 9(1), 74-88.

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Module 7 DQ 2&3
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Module 7 DQ 2&3
DQ3: Balanced Scorecard
A balanced scorecard is both a systematic and a comprehensive model that is utilized as an efficient performance gauging tool within an organization. It is regarded so due to its ability to link all kinds of performance measurements together. The strategic and comprehensive nature results from fusing four performance measurement perspectives, namely internal business, customer, innovation and learning, and financial perspectives. It is comprehensive in that it can traverse both non-financial and financial measurement aspects. According to Lueg (2015), the BSC model is strategic in that it can produce goals from each perspective, provide measures of supporting every objective from each perspective and used in translating the organization’s mission, objectives and vision into a series of performance indicators. It is a corporate measurement tool that guide both line and top management tool to obtain indicators of performance measurement indicated by business success factors. It provides a framework of scoring organization’s strategic goals against the vision and mission of the organization. Improvements can be derived from the scorecard after analysis of the results of the overall performance (Lueg, 2015).
DQ2: Servant Leadership
The search term for the research is “impact of servant relationship”...
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