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Negotiation Styles and Communication

Essay Instructions:
Module 4 - SLP - Negotiation Styles and Communication Expectations and Introduction The intent of the SLP is for you to apply the theoretical and general aspects covered in each module, to real-life and practical cases. Conflict is an integral part of our lives, and we encounter it in every aspect of our personal and professional activities. Surely, you have observed (or even participated in) some form of conflict at your workplace, be it a simple but heated interpersonal matter, or a full-scale organizational dispute. The SLP will always have three short parts you will need to address in EACH module, as described below. Focus should be put on sections II + III. As each module deals with a different topic, you can choose on describing and analyzing the same conflict in all modules, or widening your scope and describing different incidents Part I - Background and Settings (in about ½ a page): The Organization - Without revealing proprietary information, describe the organization of your choice (It should be one that you are familiar with, so preferably it would be easier, if it would be your own). The Conflict - Describe the workplace conflict issue you have chosen to write about. o What is the underlying problem or difference? o Who are the parties or sides in this conflict? Choose a Side - Choose one of the parties or sides in the conflict and let me know of your choice. Part II - How was it Negotiated?(in about ½ a page): Describe "your chosen" side's decisions and/or behaviors and/or actions to the following: o What negotiating style did your side adopt? Or was it a mix of styles? o How were the Face-to-Face communications conducted? Were there any nonverbal messages? Did your side apply attentive listening? o Was a Competitive or Cooperative approach chosen? Why? Part III - What Would You Have Done? (in about 1 full page): Assuming you are the principal representative for your "chosen side": What would YOU have done in this case to solve the issue? What decisions would YOU have taken?
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(04, September, 2010)
Negotiation Styles and Communication
Wal-Mart is an international retail outlet that runs a number of discount department stores; it was founded by in1962 by Sam Walton. It is an American cooperation operating discount stores. This essay analyses the problem of unequal employment opportunities in the organization where by employees are discriminated by sex, religion, age, disability, race and age.
The numbers, (2010), Terry (1996) and Miller & Steinberg (1974) states that women claim that they are not granted equal opportunities in promotion and salary payment as compared to men yet they comprises of the higher percentage in the work force (70%). Older employees were discriminated as they were fired on the assumption that they are incompetent which is wrong. The In the case the parties involved were the Equal Employment Opportunity Committee regulations and the Wal-Mart management. In my discussion I will take the side of Equal Employment Opportunity Committee regulations.
The collaborating style of negotiation was used. This choice was due to the styles confidence and accommodating. The consideration behind this due to finding an answer that satisfies all parties, to rally the needs of all parties as it considers every equal, and finally because the problem has been recurring, Thomas (1995). With this system the Equal Employment Opportunity Committee regulations was satisfied and decided that it was going to explore options jointly, place facts, separate problems and people keep problems and finally ensure excellent relation is the main concern. (David, & James, 1986) and (Morton, 1973).
Face-to-face communication was conducted between the Equal Employment Opportunity Committee regulations and the Wal-Mart management, had two concurrent face processes that were going on. Much attention was given to behaviors that are face-threatening and face honoring processes. There was face maintenance that projected strength and able image or avoid foolishness. (Goody, 1978) and (Rosenberg, 2004)
In the process of face-to-face communication, there were nonverbal communications that were going on. This was vital form of communication in the process. People used gestures and the sitting arrangement as the two sides didn`t mix, reaction speed and tone of speaking, the eye contacts really depicted that the meeting was hot. The nonverbal messages were used to show trust, caring or not, attentive listening and many others like sense of interests. The team practiced attentive listening because they had to understand that subject of the crisis and appreciate the factors that lead to the creation of the condition in the first place. (Michelle, 2003) and (Cohen, 1997)
The cooperative approach was used...
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