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Present Trends and Developments in Retailing

Essay Instructions:

Describe and discuss retailing trends and developments (page 400). give examples.


* Minimum 630 words

* Include minimum 3 references APA style

* References-must be in-text as part of sentences or at end of sentence.

* Complete and submit the assignment by 23:59 CST Sunday.


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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Present Trends and Developments in Retailing
[date]I - Introduction
II- Body
Online Retail, Virtual Stores, and Delivery
Discounts, Promos, and Sales
Location and Marketing
III - ConclusionIntroduction
When it comes to product selling or buying, there are many ways of transactions. Seeling or purchasing of goods can be wholesale or retail. Wholesale product selling or buying is when a certain product is out in the market as a bulk. For instance, those who want to sell pillows would buy a bulk of pillows from a wholesaler. On the other hand, another way to buy or sell a product is through retail. In retail, a product is sold in a smaller quantity. That is to say that those who buy from the wholesaler are most likely the retailers because they will be selling the bulk products at the individual price (Levy, Weitz, & Grewal, 1998). In this paper, let us further discuss retail trends and developments that are noticeable at present.
Online Retail, Virtual Stores, and Delivery
In the early days when there was minimal availability of technology, buying and selling took an effort from the business owners. All inventories were manual, transportation of goods was longer, and marketing the product to reach its segments was more challenging. For instance, marketing in the old days would mostly be through posters, newspapers, radios, and televisions. It cost a lot of printing efforts, aside from television and radio marketing, to market a product. Also, the availability of goods before was limited because delivery was not yet a trend back in the day. Products that were only available in a particular area could be available in another if someone would want to sell it. Otherwise, you would need to go to that area to get the product.
However, these days, technology has made transactions more convenient. The rise of technology has very much influenced the system of buying and selling. Internet, for one, provides smooth transactions either between a seller and a buyer or between sellers. The availability of the internet allowed virtual stores to operate online selling Arnott, Wilson, Mukherjee, & Nath, 2007). Some of the famous online shopping platforms are Amazon, Shoppee, and eBay. These platforms have online retailers or shops where buyers can search for the products they are looking for. Aside from the quicker and more convenient way of communicating with the seller, the buyer can also get their purchase without leaving the house or by sending it to the desired destination. Online delivery is also a development in retail selling. Because many brands and products have gone available online, delivery service has become a trend.
Discounts, Prom...
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