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Module 10 Discussion: Marketing Channels

Essay Instructions:

Describe how marketing channel members add value in the channel of distribution between manufactures and end consumers.

Is multichannel distribution strategy is a thing of the past? explain.

Submission Instructions:

Your initial post should be at least 200 words per question, formatted and cited in proper APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Marketing Distribution Channels
[date]Marketing a product requires processes that connect the product to the consumer. Products undergo these processes and strategies to be sold in the market to the right people. Market channels are one of the many media that enable product marketing. Market channels distribute products from the production site to distributors, sellers, retailers, up to the customers.
The value that channel members make between producers and consumers is their ability to deliver the product from one place to another. In simpler terms, channel members cut the time and distance between the actual product and the consumer. Instead of driving to a production site and waiting for the product to finish, channel members do the waiting, packaging, and distribution. Also, channel members calculate the time and effort of production and delivery. The calculated value influences the cost of the product in the market. At the same time, channel members add t...
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