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MKT 203 Assignment: Executing Conception, Promotion, Pricing

Essay Instructions:

MKT203 Exam 1 (Essay section) - Maximum 175 points (17.5 points x 10 questions)

•    Submit your answers by 11:59 PM, Monday, March 20 thru Turnitin on the Blackboard.

•    ANSWER OVERLAPPING. Note that your score cannot be higher than 90% of possible maximum if 30% of your writing overlaps with that of any other classmate and any other source; 85% for 40% overlapping; 80% for 50% or more. So, (1) make sure that you don't copy any other student's answers or any other source and vice versa. (2) In addition, to minimize the content overlapping, do not include the questions as part of your answers.

•    If you use other sources to answer the questions, report them (1) inside the text and (2) in the References, using the AMA style (see the syllabus for details). If you fail to do so, you will lose points.

•    Each answer cannot have more than 700 words.


1.    Discuss the similarities and differences between the 1986 and 2013 definitions of marketing by the American Marketing Association.

2.    What consumer needs do movies satisfy? Discuss their major needs.

3.    Table 1 is the result of means-end survey data on Ford Motor Company's cars. Draw the means-end diagram only based on 4 or more frequencies of the table.

4.    From the means-end diagram of Q4 above, suggest a new automobile to Ford.

5.    Figure 1 shows quadrant map of Macy's and JC Penny. Discuss which one is doing the business more efficiently. Why? And discuss how Macy's can operate more efficiently.

6.    Design a new smartphone which can satisfy Millenial consumers better based on their characteristics. Discuss important features of the phone.

7.    Discuss how a bike maker can reduce each of the consumer's perceived risks related to buying a bike.

8.    Using Fishbein's Multiattribute Attitude Model, compute your own attitudes toward any two competing brands in the same product category. Show the process. And discuss why your attitude score is higher for one brand than the other.

9.    Pick any one of your recent product purchases (or no purchase). Discuss in details how the subjective norm of the theory of reasoned action influenced your purchase decision process.

10.    Using any one of the learning methods, discuss how you can make a Walmart consumer switch to Target store.

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Essay MKT 203
The 1986 definition of marketing highlighted that it was a process involving planning and executing conception, promot...
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