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MGT 501 Module Four SLP Assignment EWD

Essay Instructions:

Leadership scholars recognize that the most successful leaders revitalize and transform their organizations. Accordingly, these leaders’ style is often referred to as “transformational leadership.” Transformational leadership is perceived as a leadership approach that effects change in individuals and in groups. In its ideal form, it creates valuable and positive change in followers with the end goal of developing followers into leaders. In its authentic form, transformational leadership enhances the motivation, morale, and performance of followers through a variety of mechanisms. These include connecting the followers' sense of identity and self to the mission and the collective identity of the organization; being a role model for followers that inspires them; challenging followers to take greater ownership for their work, and understanding the strengths and weaknesses of followers, so the leader can align followers with tasks that optimize their performance.

Required Reading

Carless, S. A., Wearing, A. J., & Mann, L. (2000). A short measure of transformational leadership.Journal of Business and Psychology, 14, 389-405.

This article can be found in the ABI/INFORM (Proquest) database.


Read the article by Carless, Wearing, & Mann, L. (2000). Then after gaining a clear idea of the meaning of the seven behavioral manifestations of transformational leadership, determine your transformational leadership score following these rules:

  1. Give yourself a score between 1 (rarely or never) and 5 (very frequently) on each of the seven dimensions.
  2. Add up your scores and divide them by 7 to get your average score on the scale.
  3. Ask someone who knows you well (preferably someone who works with you) to rate your leadership behavior on the scale and calculate the average score.
  4. Compare the results obtained by yourself and your friend/peer.
  5. What do you think about your scores on that scale? Are they high/low? What does it say about your leadership style?
  6. Based on the results you obtained, what aspect of your leadership behavior do you think you should focus on to improve your leadership style? How might this translate into actual behaviors at the workplace? What might be the results of such an improvement?

It is vital that you get a second opinion about your leadership behavior from someone who knows you, preferably in the work context. If you cannot get a second opinion as part of this exercise, be sure that you provide a thorough explanation of why it's not possible. Just ignoring this part of the exercise will cost you part of a grade.

Your paper should be short (2-3 pages, not including the cover sheet, references, and assessment sheet) and to the point. You are expected to deal with these issues in an integrated fashion, rather than treating them as a series of individual questions to be answered one by one.

Keys to the Assignment

The key aspects of this assignment that should be covered in your paper include:

  • Complete the assessment according to the guidelines and interpret the results.
  • Include the actual instrument and results.
  • Based on your results, explain how you could improve your leadership behaviors and under what conditions.
  • Based on your results, explain how improving your leadership behaviors might translate into actual behaviors at the workplace? And what might be the results of such an improvement?
Essay Sample Content Preview:

According to Carless, Wearing, & Mann, L. (2000), there are seven behaviors that a transformational leader should manifest at all times. A close evaluation of my behavior alongside the seven elements revealed some intriguing results, relative to my leadership style.Carless, Wearing, & Mann, L. (2000), lists seven behaviors among them; communicating vision, developing staff, providing support, empowerment, innovativeness, leading by example and being charismatic. After assigning scores ranging from one to five for the various behaviors, I managed a score of 27 out of a possible 35. When the score is divided by 7, the results are 3.85.To assess my leadership skills further, I had one of the people from the department whom we have worked with closely, the score came up to 30, giving an average score of 4.28 (Carless, Wearing & Mann, 2000).
When comparing the results between my personal assessments on the leadership skills that I show at the workplace, what I scored according to my colleague there was some disparity. According to my score, my rating was much lower than that of my colleague. My results indicated an average score of 3.85 while the score according to my colleague was 4.28. The difference in the averages is 0.43 between the two sets of assessments. The scores are quite dismal and show that I have to work harder at my leadership qualities to make sure that I deliver better results not just on the test but mainly on the real life aspects of my leadership skills (Carless, Wearing & Mann, 2000).
Based on the test scores, both the aspects of supporting the staffs and being innovativeness received the highest sco...
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