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The Merchant of Venice: The Monetary Value of Love

Essay Instructions:

Choose an object or item of disputed or debatable value in The Merchant of Venice. In one page (double-spaced), explain the ways in which that object is valued and how those ways of valuing conflict.

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The Monetary Value of Love
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The Monetary Value of Love
The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare is a play about usury and trade, money and goods. One thing clear from the beginning of the play is that the character value system places a monetary value on love. In other words, love has a price. Venice, as a port of exchange, is a city where everything has a price tag, may it be love, flesh or material goods; and these exchanges determine people’s sadness and happiness.
In the first scene Salerio and Solanio suggest that Antonio was sad because of a mercantile venture: “had I such a venture forth,/ the better part of my affections would/ Be with my hopes abroad” (I.i.15-16). Solanio use of “affections” when referring to a business venture gives a glimpse of the value system on Venice. Solanio seems lost upon Antonio’s dismissal of love. Although Antonio meant that he valued their friendship emotionally, he used the words “worth” and “dear” suggesting financial value too.
When Bassanio informs Antonio of his intentions to...
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