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Memorandum From Executive Communication and Sales Analyst

Essay Instructions:

You will write your memo/analysis and answer to the question posed in the "How to lead the Challenging Group" article. You will also use one of the leadership styles focused on the article, definition of leadership. Your analysis should be two full pages in length. Submit the assignment as a Microsoft office word document.

These two picture are the article of "How to Lead the Challenging Group".

Essay Sample Content Preview:

TO: Malcolm – Sales Associate; Frank – Company Executive; Julie – Sales Associate; Lolita – Sales Associate; Chen; Barbara – Sales Associate.
FROM: Executive Communication and Sales Analyst.
DATE: 16/11/2017
Thorough analysis of the company’s sales productivity levels, shows that there is a dip especially where this team is involved. This memo is but a way to try and revive your spirit and seek for ways to increase the productivity levels. Employees are the backbone of every organization and therefore, with your efforts and output dwindling, the company is indeed incurring losses. When productivity dips, companies lose and this is to remind you to seek ways to work as a team and in due time, your productivity levels will indeed improve.
People often say that change is good but in an organization, change signals the end of an era and the start of a new one. However, I do not intend to change anything but only to seek ways to work with you to help further the company’s agenda. I believe that every company hinges on the dedication, commitment, and bonds that employees forge. Therefore, it is my belief that we will not only work to increase the organization’s sales productivity levels but also forge long and lasting bonds.
Malcolm, I acknowledge your spirit and your zeal to become and rise above expectations. You and I are cut from the same cloth and we both go after that which we have set our eyes upon. However, the more pressing matter right now is to improve the organization’s sales productivity. We all have personal goals but the company and its goals should always come first. Teamwork is always key, therefore, embrace the prospect of working with your colleagues.
Frank, I have the utmost respect for you and this is not only because of your experience but because at 50 years, you still have the spirit of a 25 year-old. I respect your opinions and would ask nothing more from you than you respect the opinions of others as well. We are a team and when we see others as less capable, we will always hit deadlocks which would mean more time and less results.
Julie, you are a wonderful woman and one whose dedication is unmatched. We are all cut from a different cloth and therefore, aside from acknowledging it, I respect your personality. However, for this team to perform better, we need the input of every single member. Your opinion and contribution is essential to our course and you are as important and valuable an asset as either one of us.
Lolita, I have no apologies when I call you the free-spirited member of our team. You are a remarkable woman whose zeal is contagious. Everyone has their reservations or opinions regarding different and certain things. However, in a team, these need to be left outside the office space. This team is special and can indeed achieve greater things. However, we all need each other rega...
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