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McDonaldzation and Americanization

Essay Instructions:

Answer the following three questions:

1) Based on the week's readings on McDonaldization and the prior week's readings on Americanization, what's the main difference between the two?

2) Other than food, can you describe another example of glocalization?

3) In your opinion, will English retain its place as the lingua franca of the world? Why or why not?



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McDonaldization and Americanization
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McDonaldization and Americanization
1. The Main Difference Between Mcdonaldization and Americanization
McDonaldization is a concept created by a sociologist from America, George Ritzer that refers to developing new means of consuming trends (Hayes, 2017). The specific form of output, function, and consumption rationalization came to popularity towards the end of the twentieth century (Ritzer, 2018). The critical fundamental is that these principles have been adopted on the based on performance, calculability, predictability, and standardization and characteristics that control eating establishments and that this adaptation has undulating outcome in all facets of people’s culture (Savelyev & Smalyuk, 2020). The study on McDonaldization appears to be more supportive of Americanization theories than of the idea of globalization.
Americanization refers to the influence of the American lauded culture, values, and practices and usually appreciated. It influences other countries to follow and is considered superior to other cultures (Broersma, 2019). For example, in many countries, many people prefer to wear Western clothes instead of traditional ones. There are also food chains run by American brands and American products exported to the rest of the world. The main difference is manifested in how the services are provided as the McDonaldization focuses on the rationality of humans and the modernity of the world.
2. Other Than Food, Can You Describe Another Example of Glocalization?
Glocalization is a term comprising of two concepts: globalization and localization. It is brought together to portray products or services created and dispersed all over the world and designed to take care of needs of the user or consumer in their specific markets (Inglis & Gimlin, 2015). Glocalization is a key advantage that encourages disseminating information and technology, helping to spread the opportunity for development across nations other than food. 
 A new wave of global digital brands that have embraced glocalization is Facebook, Google, Twitter, Amaz...
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