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Marketing Plan for Beats by Dre Speakers

Essay Instructions:

Now that we know what the product or service is, something about the market environment, and a good amount about the target market it is time to address the product and the price in some detail. The relevant text chapters for this part of your marketing plans are Chapters 10 and 11.
My product is Beats by Dre Speakers.
Address the following topics in Chapter 10:
There are five rings in the Augmented Product Concept shown to the right. Describe your product/service core benefits and then list the elements you have present in your intended offering that would fill in the remaining four rings.
Discuss in some detail the top two or three branding strategies you are going to use among those described in the "Branding Decisions" section.
Briefly discuss packaging if appropriate.
Address the following topics in Chapter 11:
Define your pricing objective using the "Strategic pricing Objectives" for guidance.
Describe your method of pricing using competition-oriented methods and/or customer-oriented methods. Spend no time on costing or cost based methods. They are not useful in that you will either overprice or underprice using them and neither one of those outcomes is helpful to the business. In real life you should know your costs in order to make a decision about moving forward with the plan, but customers are responsive to perceived value and competitive input, not cost. They do not know about or care about your cost basis.
Discuss any discounts or allowances you intend to implement in the early stages of your plan implementation.
My topic is Marketing Plan for Beats by Dre Speakers. I also send you attachment from last weeks. It does not consider from this week. But it also about beats by dre speakers. Hope this help

Essay Sample Content Preview:
      Marketing Plan Week 4: Marketing Plan for Beats by Dre Speakers       Product Design As the core benefit indicate the key product aspects, those who connect with the speaker represent such benefits. In the case of Beats by Dre, the speaker transforms music farther than reproduce it, and they have managed to do this by adding bass, and then slowing it down.  In marketing campaigns, the role of influencers has played a vital role towards the success of the product, while they also anticipate what the customers want. Additionally, Beats by Dre are made ‘cool’ for those using them. Among the product features is maintaining and improving wireless speaker options, improving digital amplification, and the speakers are lighter and portable unlike before. These features will allow the company to be more competitive without compromising quality while providing more options. In the packaging option, the advertising and marketing efforts will raise awareness about the product’s use while providing relevant information. As Beats by Dre has previously relied on influencers in marketing campaigns, this strategy will be considered in the packaging decisions The product is covered under the company’s warranty and the customers are entitled to remedies including replacement, refund or compensation for foreseeable losses or damages. If the product does not meet the quality standards and this leads to a major failure the customers should inform the customer care department for further action by registered the claim and providing details to facilitate valuation of the claim.  Similarly, there is installation, repair training to reduce the risk of accidental damages, but there should be no alterations and modification of the product.     Branding strategies The company uses family branding Beats by Dre Speakers, which is the same as the headphones. The case for this is that the Beats by Dre brand is reputable and popular, and producing speakers under the same name will boost credibility of the product.  Even when there is only slight innovation, the marketability of the speakers will likely be high as Beats by Dre headphones are among the most popular (Beckerman, 2014). In the past, the company’s position has been strengthened by using influencers and sponsorships to popularize the product. The digital tools are also critical to the product success, and in using sporting and music events there is a wider audience and target market              The brand extension option is a viable branding strategy since the company is introducing their new product in the market, and while the company has head phones and earphones the market for speakers has not been fully exploited. When using the branding strategy alternativ...
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