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Marketing for Gastric Bypass Surgery

Essay Instructions:

DEADLINE IS 14 DAYS! DUE: 4/18/2021 Explain the importance of fundamental marketing principles and processes as they uniquely apply to healthcare organizations

• Determine relevant marketing objectives and target audiences that support the mission, vision, and values of healthcare organizations

• Analyze healthcare markets to identify sociocultural characteristics, customer needs, and economic factors that influence demand for health services

• Develop strategic marketing proposals by applying the marketing mix to support the mission and brand identity of healthcare organizations

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Marketing for Gastric Bypass Surgery
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Marketing for Gastric Bypass Surgery
Tower Health Medical Group Weight Loss and Wellness Center operates as a regional healthcare provider. The organization’s facilities operate actively in providing treatment and wellness services to patients. It is run by highly trained health care providers, including surgeons, general physicians, and general practitioners, to ensure utmost professionalism in the facilities’ operation. The facility also offers a 24-hour standby emergency department to accommodate any emergencies. The mission at Tower Health Medical Group Weight Loss and Wellness Center is to be committed to quality service provision and improvement through community education and outreach to ensure the health and general well-being of patients and communities. The organization's vision is to be the number one choice for its communities in special service provision. Currently, the organization has six main hospital branches distributed across Pennsylvania, with the main branch being located in West Reading. The organization specializes in surgery, especially Bariatric Surgery, specifically gastric bypass surgery. It also provides other weight loss programs to help adults and kids manage weight. It also offers other support services such as nutritional services, general consultation, and diagnostic procedures.
Gastric bypass surgery is a surgery type that treats morbid obesity and obesity-related conditions facing obese persons and has shown to be harmless and successful (Welbourn et al., 2018). This forms the marketing initiative for gastric bypass surgery. Obesity is a major everyday problem in the current world that brings along with it health complications. It leads us to the importance of its service, gastric bypass surgery. This type of surgery is one of the best weight loss surgery options available as it carries the least number of complications (Schauer, 2000). Currently, the number of surgeries being performed has shown a significant rise. It has demonstrated effectiveness in achieving weight loss and treating comorbidities in most patients (Schauer, 2000). However, there has also been an insignificant number of perioperative complications developing for some patients, mostly related to the extensive abdominal incisions (Schauer, 2000).
To effectively market the service, it is essential to be fully conversant with your primary and secondary customers' diverse needs, wants, and requirements. Customer needs should be carefully assessed to ensure that as you market your product, you are reaching the appropriate audience for there to be a significant response by customers. For example, primary consumers want high-quality services provided by highly trained practitioners, painless surgery, and payment plans that accommodate economically diverse patients. Secondary consumers who include patients' families would prefer consistent follow-up of patients to avoid complications and lenient payment plans that will not overpower financially unstable families.
The marketing of gastric bypass surgery requires a proper understanding of the “four P’s” of marketing. The four are product, price, place, and promotion. Starting with a product, marketers need to know what the product entails, which is gastric bypass surgery, and how it satisfies the customer's needs to market it effectively. When it comes to price, the product needs to be allocated a reasonable price for its audiences. The price should be set at an optimum level, not too high or too low, to allow for affordability and still meet required profits. Place in marketing does not significantly apply to our product’s marketing as a surgical procedure. It is only offered at a health facility; thus, marketing is only done chiefly directly or through other strategic marketing strategies. Lastly is promotion. Gastric bypass surgery is a healthcare procedure that needs strategic marketing using digital marketing and advertising to reach the target audience.
To successfully market gastric bypass surgery, it is crucial to be aware of our product's various demands. It is essential to raise demand to raise enough profits for the organization. One factor that drives demand for gastric bypass surgery is the pricing. Reasonable pricing and payment rates attract more customers to seek the service as more patients from economically diverse backgrounds can access the service. Another driver of demand is the surgery benefits, which drive the customers to seek this service. After surgery, customer satisfaction also comes as a factor affecting the drivers of demand as well satisfied customers will refer more friends and family who need the same service.
Gastric bypass surgery can have limited accessibility depending on the geographical location in different countries or regions (Welbourn et al., 2018). The organization has outlined three marketing objectives to drive the product's effective marketing. One of the marketing goals is to build product awareness. Many individuals, some of whom suffer from obesity and obesity-related diseases, are barely aware of this type of surgery and its benefits. This objective targets to make gastric bypass surgery and its uses more known to the public. The second marketing goal is to penetrate fresh markets. There being only a few individuals aware of this surgical procedure gives an open opportunity to venture into new and more excellent markets outside the current geographical regions covered. The third marketing goal is to create industry authority. Industry authority can be achieved by putting other critical factors and strategies into consideration. The following section covers the industry segment for gastric bypass surgery.
Obesity has become a serious global concern from the international increase in prevalence being shown by obesity and obesity-related illnesses over the past few years (Welbourn et al., 2018). Looking at the demographics and population segment, recent research has depicted cases of obesity being more evident in the female gender, older individuals, racially and ethnically different individuals, socioeconomically low-status individuals, and individual spouses (Hales et al., 2020). Between 2017 and 2018, the obesity prevalence of U. S adults, adjusted by age, stood at 42.4%, without significant differences in age groups or sex (Hales et al., 2020). Again looking at the racial and Hispanic backgrounds of adults aged 20 onwards, non-Hispanic blacks registered the most excellent rate of obesity prevalence of 49.6%, next being Hispanics at 44.8%, than non-Hispanic whites recording 42.2%, then finally, non-Hispanic Asians recording 17.5% (Hales et al., 2020). The rate of severely obese U. S grown-ups was 9.2% between 2017 and 2018, where women registered a greater rate of 11.5% compared to 6.9% for men (Hales et al., 2020). This industry segment has a significantly large market size, considering the prevalence among different populations. A 42.4% prevalence rate implies that obesity is distributed across nearly half the population, indicating a considerable product market size.
Several factors may influence gastric bypass surgery consumers' psychographic segmentation. The majority of people opting for gastric bypass surgery are mostly out looking for a cost-efficient and safer procedure of treating obesity and related comorbid conditions. This acts as a factor as some methods may pose more significant risks. Another factor that influences gastric bypass patients' psychological segmentation is gastric bypass surgery's effectiveness as more methods treat the same. There exist in this industry segment several regulatory influences emanating mostly from government-imposed policies.
An example is, medical practitioners and facilities are not supposed to give any misleading information but give complete and crucial information such as specific side effects. In this particular industry segment, the payer mix is not precisely predictable or constant since different customers may opt to use various payment methods. Some might have government insurance or others' private insurance, while a small group might opt to pay directly out of pocket depending on their financial capabilities. In the industry segment for gastric bypass surgery, pricing is one of the chief success factors. The funds used in the organization's operation, including medicine, labor, and equipment, should be accounted for when creating a reasonable price that many people ca...
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