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Marketing for Gastric Bypass Surgery

Essay Instructions:

: Establish the context for your healthcare product or service, and analyze the market.

Health product: Gastric bypass surgery

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Marketing for Gastric Bypass Surgery
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Marketing for Gastric Bypass Surgery
Gastric bypass surgery is a surgery type meant for weight loss that treats obesity and obesity-related disease, which has proven to be an entirely sustainable, safe, and effective treatment method (Welbourn et al., 2018). Some of the obesity-related conditions it is said to treat include type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and sleep apnea. The surgery involves a procedure where the stomach is divided into two smaller sections, and then the small intestines are reorganized to connect to the two sections of the stomach. Gastric Bypass Surgery, a form of bariatric surgery, can improve many patients' health cost-effectively; however, access to the surgery can be limited depending on geographical location (Welbourn et al., 2018). This text seeks to establish the context for gastric bypass surgery and analyze its market.
As mentioned earlier, gastric bypass surgery can be limited depending on geographical location, meaning its accessibility varies inside and between countries. The organization’s overall role is to lead the world to a healthier and stronger future leads us to our marketing goals. One of the goals is to build product awareness.
II. Establish the Context
Many people are usually not aware of this type of surgery or a solution to obesity and obesity-related diseases, with some of those suffering from the same. This marketing goal aims to make the general public understand this type of surgery and what it entails in general. The other objective is to expand into new markets. With the kind of surgery still not being known by many expanding into new markets might be an excellent strategy to reach more people outside the geographical region. The final marketing goal is creating industry authority. Following the two previously mentioned goals creating and growing industry authority can be achieved with other factors, such as quality service provision.
This section will focus on the industry segment for gastric bypass surgery. Over the past few years, obesity and obesity-related illnesses have shown an increase in prevalence internationally, proving to be a global concern (Welbourn et al., 2018). Regarding population segment and demographics, past studies have shown that obesity is more prevalent in females, older people, people of racial and ethnic minorities, people of low socioeconomic status, and married (Hales et al., 2020). From 2017 to 2018, U. S adults’ age-adjusted obesity prevalence was 42.4%, with no significant difference by age group or gender (Hales et al., 2020). Regarding race and Hispanic origin among adults aged 20 years and above, non-Hispanic blacks had the highest obesity prevalence of 49.6%, followed by Hispanics at 44.8%, than non-Hispanic whites at 42.2%, and lastly, non-Hispanic Asians at 17.5% (Hales et al., 2020). Severe obesity among U.S adults stood at 9.2% from 2017 to 2018, with women registering a higher prevalence of 11.5% than 6.9% for men (Hales et al., 2020). The market size for this industry segment is quite large, looking at prevalence among different populations. A prevalence of 42.4% means that almost half of the population is obese, meaning a large market size for the product.
The psychographic segmentation for gastric bypass surgery patients can be affected by various common factors. Most patients who opt for this surgery are usually seeking a safer and cost-efficient method of dealing with obesity and its related diseases, which is one factor. Another factor influencing psychographic segmentation is the sustainability of this type of surgery since there are also other options for treating obesity. There are various regulatory influences in this industry segment that mostly come from government-imposed regulations. For example, doctors and hospitals should provide complete truth and not provide misleading information or omit any critical information like the side effects. The payer mix in this industry segment is not constant or predictable as patients pay using different means, with some having government insurance and others private insurance. In contrast, others opt to pay out of their pockets which largely depends on the patient’s economic status. Among the key success factors in the gastric bypass surgery industry segment is pricing. Costs incurred during the provision of surgery, including equipment, drugs, and labor, should be considered in coming up with fair pricing for more patients to afford. Another key success factor is the availability of adequate skilled personnel, which ensures quality service deliverance to the patients, leading to the organization’s growth. The other key factor is low-cost design and engineering to allow for optimal service delivery at low costs to get desired profits.
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