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:Marketing Essay: Marketing application write-up

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Institution/ Affiliation
In the current competitive business environment, online advertising is a fundamental element for any business. Today, Customers are gradually using the internet to seek information about products and services before making purchasing decisions. Nearly 50% of the global population uses the internet, and people of all age groups are connected to the internet (Eshghi, Sarkar, & Sarkar, 2017). Businesses are using the modern advertising tool to increase their marketing reach, improve customer base, and ultimately increase profits. Moreover, online advertising helps corporations realize a global reach, achieve cost-effectiveness, engage customers in real-time, access data, find potential customers, and facilitate an organization's growth.
Different forms of advertising influence customer’s beliefs, perceptions, and attitudes in a different way. When customers see online advertisements, their purchase decision is influenced to some extent. Consumers are likely to respond to various online marketing messages in a variety of ways due to a variety of reasons. Research shows that consumer involvement will dictate how they process and react to advertising information, and ultimately their purchasing decisions (Eshghi, Sarkar, & Sarkar, 2017). Thus said, engagement plays a vital role in determining the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. The message effects include advertising recall, message involvement, attitude toward the message, and advertisement attitude. Therefore, understanding the impacts of message involvement on brand formation is vital for successful online advertisement.
In the article “Impact of Online on Adolescents Brand Attitudes,” Abdolreza Eshghi, Juhi Gahlot Sarkar, and Abhigyan Sarkar examine the impacts of online advertising on message involvement and brand attitude formation among adolescent consumers. Using experimental research design with three-way factorial analysis and independent t-tests and regressions, the authors hypothesize the influence of advertising message involvement and brand attitude formation in adolescents. This research aimed at providing experimental evidence on the type of online advertising that can help marketers generate greater advertising message involvement and cultivate favorable attitudes among adolescent consumers (Eshghi, Sarkar, & Sarkar, 2017). The study established that advertising message involvement impacts ad copy type and individual task orientation, and brand attitude among adolescents.
Today, marketers target adolescents due to the large amounts of money they spend on purchasing goods and services and their influence on household purchasing decisions. Research shows that young people are increasingly becoming brand conscious and display brand preferences greatly influenced by marketers' efforts (Eshghi, Sarkar, & Sarkar, 2017). Despite the significant impact of young people in the marketplace, little research has been developed to determine their purchasing behaviours, consumer involvement, and factors that influence brand attitudes. Since adolescents' capabilities are different from those of adults, it is essential to investigate brand attitude formation and development in this market segment (Eshghi, Sarkar, & Sarkar, 2017). Similarly, research has shown that customer involvement is a useful element in understanding customer behavior in various contexts. For instance, graphics and music substantially help to increase brand attitude formation of low-involvement customers.
Advertising messages utilize two implementation styles; narrative and factual. While narrative advertisement delivers promotional information by telling stories, factual ads communicate messages straightforwardly. As a result, narrative ad copies produce immeasurable message involvement, while factual statements lead to improved product assessments by potential customers (Eshghi, Sarkar, & Sarkar, 2017). Although numerous studies have established that advertising message involvement affects brand attitudes among adults, studies exploring how narrative and factual message affect the brand attitudes in online marketing among youths are still limited.
On the other hand, young people spend most of their time online on entertainment sites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, rather than exploring specific information. In online marketing, numerous studies have shown that consumer task orientation has significant impacts on brand awareness. Unfortunately, limited research has been developed to determine how online consumers' task orientation impacts teenagers' brand awareness (Eshghi, Sarkar, & Sarkar, 2017). This study was conducted to address these research gaps, emphasizing the effects of marketing copy execution-style and individual task orientation and brand attitude formation among adolescents in the context of online adverting.
Hypothesis/ Research questions
Hypothesis plays a vital role and guides and gives direction to scientific research. Without a hypothesis, research would remain unfocussed as the scientist would find it hard to decide what to observe and how to observe. The scholars explored different research questions, including the relationship between ad types and brand attitude, product category's technical capacity, consumer task orientation, and mediating advertising message involvement. The research questions include;
H1: The researchers explored “whether ad copies generate greater adv...
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