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Business & Marketing
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Essay Instructions:

Write a 4 page paper in which you respond to the following case question: Select TWO products from the list of product categories below and using the teaching materials and any additional research explain what you think would be an approrpiate promotions strategy for both them. In doing so compare and contrast the two promotions strategies explaining why you think they would be similar or different. Select TWO products from the following product categories: AIRLINE FLIGHTS CARBONATED SOFT DRINKS BREAKFAST CEREALS EXERCISE EQUIPMENT Illustrate your answer by refering to specific brands within each of the two product categories you have chosen. ASSIGNMENT EXPECTATIONS Ensure that you repeat the case question in full and verbatim on the title page of your submission. Excluding your title and reference pages, your paper should be no more than four pages long. Please submit your case for grading by the end of this module. In answering this case question aim to demonstrate your learning not only of the materials from MOD04, but also those from MOD01-03. Use information from the background readings and any good quality sources you can find. Cite all sources and provide a reference list at the end of the paper. The following will be assessed: Your demonstrated understanding of the marketing concepts central to the case question. Your demonstrated understanding of factors related to the development of an effective promotions strategy through the analysis you conduct in the context of the case. In particular one of your required readings on developing a promotional strategy at the marketing-made-simple.com website indicates that the following four factors are fundamental to the development of a promotions strategy: Segmentation – dividing the marketing into distinct groups Targeting – deciding which of these groups to communicate with, and how to talk to them Positioning – determining how you would like the product or brand to be perceived by the target groups Messaging - delivering a specific message in order to influence the target groups and thus it is expected that you will demonstrate your understanding of these concepts and their relationship to the development of a promotions strategy in the context of your assignment. The criteria used for assessment will be those explained on the MOD01 Home page, namely: Focus. Breadth. Depth. Critical thinking. Effective and appropriate communication skills.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Marketing: Select two products from the list of product categories below and using the teaching materials and any additional research explain what you think would be an appropriate promotions strategy for both them. In doing so compare and contrast the two promotions strategies explaining why you think they would be similar or different.
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Promotion is an aspect of the marketing mix dealing with the nature of communications, how this communication is rendered to customers through different channels. It is important to understand that promotion does not work in isolation because other aspects of the marketing mix such as price, product and distribution work to enhance product promotion strategy as part of marketing (KnowThis.com, 2013). This paper outlines the promotion strategy using the factors that are related to the development of effective promotion strategies namely segmentation, targeting, messaging and positioning for the Special K protein Plus breakfast cereal and motorized treadmill exercise equipment by ICON Health & Fitness.
To segment the market for special K protein plus breakfast cereal which provides one an opportunity to eat healthy and reap benefits of an attractive body is influenced by demographical factors such as age, gender and social standing among other lifestyle factors such as singles, elderly and retired couples and busy working professionals. The product is suitable to obese women because it contains low carbohydrates. The cereal is also suitable for professional women on diet regimens because higher levels of protein ensures slow metabolism and well distributed energy levels that help them to resist temptation to eat frequently. It also targets those keen on health diets and those on work out plans requiring high protein diet and high fiber. The age bracket for this product is women between 25 and forty five years that overlook the price of the cereal because they focus on its result in aiding their dieting plans. Behaviorally, it seeks the segment that is concerned about image (All India Association, 2009). Segmentation for motorized treadmill exercise equipment is different from the segmentation of the special K protein plus segmentation. One of the market motorized treadmill segment is institutional market such as gyms. The other segment t targets men between the age of twenty five to forty years that aspire to lead an active and healthy life. These men prefer to work out from the confines of their homes (First Research, 2011). This age group values company of others while watching their favorite football stars and is especially concerned about the body image in their interpersonal relationships among peers.
The promotion of the special K protein plus breakfast cereal will target the different distribution channels as the bridge to reaching the professional women on diets. Formulation of the strategy will also target the distribution channels to persuade them about the benefits of the product and solicit their commitment to promote the product to the final customers. A player in the distribution channel acceptance for the product significantly influences the final customers’ decisions to purchase the product. Retailers, wholesalers, distributors and supermarkets are some of the most important distribution channel’s targets.
In contrast to using distribution channels as would work for the special K protein plus breakfast cereal, promoting the motorized treadmill exercise equipment would target influencers such as sporting and fitness organization will cause the greatest marketing impact on the target market. Customers consider various sports stars physically fit and many would be drawn to emulate them by using products that they use to keep fit. For instance, using football players companies such as Manchester United, Arsenal and UEFA Champions leagues’ players to promote various pr...
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