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Competitive Advantage: Market Planning on Hilton Hotel, BBA 3201, Principles of Marketing

Essay Instructions:

Marketing Plan
This week you will continue your comprehensive marketing plan researching the SAME company that you researched in previous units. Again, utilizing the CSU Online Library, you will research the various elements of the marketing plan as it relates to this company. In Unit IV you will provide a comprehensive discussion of the products and/or services provided by your organization.
This section will provide a comprehensive look at the products, product lines, and services that are offered by your company. This will include discussions about the quality of the product/service and other additions such as warranties, installation, service plans, or unique packaging features that are included with the product (if pertinent). Include a discussion of whether your company’s products/services would be considered business-to-consumer (B2C) or business-to-business (B2B).Branding is also considered a part of the product offering, thus a discussion of the branding efforts associated with your company and the importance of said branding in the overall product offering should be included. Within this discussion, review the positioning strategy of your company.
Competitive Advantage
A competitive advantage is an important goal of every company, address whether your company has a competitive advantage WITH RESPECT TO PRODUCT. The idea is to discuss whether your company has a competitive advantage with respect to their product offering and the attributes associated with product as discussed above. Competitive
BBA 3201, Principles of Marketing 4
advantage with respect to promotion, place, and pricing will be discussed in later sections of the marketing plan. Once you have stated your position, remember to include your rationale.
Your submission should be a minimum of two pages in length, double-spaced with a reference page and title page. References should include at least one additional, credible reference beyond the textbook. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations and cited per APA guidelines. Include the use of subheadings (this week consider using Product and Competitive Advantage in Product

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Hilton Hotels
Hilton hotels
As a leading corporation Hilton hotels and resorts has made great reaps in the leisure and hospitality industry, developing and managing hotels across the globe. The corporation has shifted from acquiring hotels to franchising enterprises, enabling the company to save on acquisition and gain on revenues collected franchise fees (Belembaogo, 2013). However of great importance is the fact that the company has managed to come up with products and services that appeal to their customers worldwide.
The hotel has majored accommodation, entertainment, gambling among other leisure services and products to make sure they have their customers loyal. At the central point of the products and services offered by the hotels is accommodation. The hotels have for the longest time offered their clients accommodation. In this sphere, the customers are assured of the state of the art rooms and top notch services that meet the highest industry standards. Over the years the hotels have reinvented the various products to match the ever changing needs of the customers across the globe. Some of the main products now include the spas, bars, travel desks, banquet halls, laundry services, smaller shops and business centers. All of these products are directed at the customers to make sure that they are satisfied with the packages. It is thus easy to see that much of the products and services offered by the hotel are business to customers oriented (Belembaogo, 2013). This has however been a shift in the recent past where the industry has largely relied on the customer needs other than what the hotels want to put out in the market. A closer evaluation of the products offered by the Hilton hotels and resorts indicates that there are three categories of such products. There are those that can be considered to be core products which form the main element of the customers’ purchases. Rooms and accommodation as such form the core products of the hotels as they form the central piece to the other peripheral services and products. The second ...
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