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DQ#1: Managing People

Essay Instructions:

Using this week’s lesson and article by DeVany (click here) as a start, locate three research studies that deal with the management of people with their individual differences and diverse personalities. Use online, peer-reviewed journal research (case study research is preferred) to inform your writing. Summarize the takeaways from the articles that can support greater skill in managing people.

Your initial post should contain 3 scholarly citations and 3 references minimum (your textbook may NOT serve as a source for this forum).

Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 250 words.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institutional Affiliation:
Managing people in the right way requires that good managers are able to discover what is unique about each person and capitalize on it. Great managers know and value the unique abilities and even the eccentricities of the people they manage and learn the best way of integrating them into a coordinated plan of attack (Devany, 2012).
First, identifying and capitalizing on each person’s uniqueness saves time. There is no employee, however much talented, is completely well rounded. For instance, Michelle the manager of Four Seasons Hotel in California could have spent many hours coaching Jeffrey and cajoling him into making friends with, smiling at, and recalling customer names, but he probably would have not seen good results for his efforts. His time was much better spent carving out a role that took advantage of Jeffrey’s natural abilities (Matturro & Saavedra, 2013).
Second, capitalizing on uniqueness makes each person more accountable. For example, Jacob who manages Howard in a restaurant did not just use Howard for his ability to execute specific assignments. He challenged him to make this ability the cornerstone of his contribution to the store, to practice it, to take ownership for th...
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