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Managing Organizational Change Essay #3

Essay Instructions:
  1. Describe the change that occurred in your workplace.  Was the change successful?  Were a lot of employee resistance to this change?
  2. What steps and processes did management take to implement this change?  Was it similar to Lewin’s three steps, Kotter’s eight steps, or the five steps used in action research?
  3. In retrospect, do you think the change process would have gone better if management used Lewin’s three steps, Kotter’s eight steps, or the five-step approach of action research?
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Managing Organizational Change
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Question 1
Satya Nadella has announced the need of embracing organizational change. He plans for reducing the number of employees working for Microsoft Corporation, and also plans for reshaping the operation of the organization. Nedella intends to rediscover the mission of the organization not only to create high quality software products, but also develop technology that assists people to lead better lives and ensure businesses run effectively (Ovide, 2014). Already employees are worried about the decision of cutting the number of jobs existing in the organization. Recently, Microsoft and Nokia merged and this implies that the overall organizational structure may change due to the merger. It is obvious, that these actions are commonly followed by layoffs especially in certain job positions that are considered redundant. Nadella argues that change is necessary because the industry relies on innovation, but does not respect tradition. It follows that change is unavoidable particularly the need to streamline the operation resulting from the merger. The new CEO wants the corporation to enhance its efficiency and regain its technological edge. The imminent change is going to alter the number of job positions, organizational priorities and organizational culture. The restructuring process happens because of the merger and also aims to eliminate unnecessary activities, lay off workers in redundant positions, reduce operating costs, and aims to improve efficiency and increase innovation.
Nadella is in the process of initiating change within the organization; so whether the change will be successful or not is something that may not judged at this moment. However, there is much likelihood that change will yield success because Nadella is a competent and effective leader, and his team is well vast with management skills and insights. Nevertheless, the looming changes have created tension among employees who perceive that such actions might cause disruption. Some employees already fear their job positions might be declared redundant (Cousineau, 2014). This is an evidence of resistance to change among employees.
Question 2
Nadella and his team have announced imminent change that is coming in the few days or months. Based on the processes that the management has taken toward change implementation, it is clear that Nadella and his team has adopted Kotter’s eight steps approach. Nadella is trying to implement transformational change within the organization, and his approach has ...
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