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Managerial Decison Making Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:
1. Throughout its existence, Saturn has never turned a profit for General Motors. Research the history of Saturn and GM's decision to continue funding it (although GM has now decided to close down the auto maker). Why hadn't Saturn made a profit? Was escalation of commitment in play in GM's decision? If so, how? 2. In 2001, Polaroid filed for bankruptcy protection. Investigate this filing. What caused the bankruptcy? Can it be traced to an escalation of commitment? 3. In the 1960s, Britain and France decided to jointly fund and build a supersonic transport that became known as the Concorde. Research the decision to build and fly the supersonic transport Concorde. Then, discuss how the sunk costs and an escalation of commitment affected their decisions. 4. Discuss how perceptual bias affected President George W. Bush's decisions that lead the United States into war in Iraq in 2003. Did judgmental bias play a part in these decisions? Ensure each question is separated and labeled by question number. Course Textbook Bazerman, M. H., & Moore, D.A. (2009). Judgment in managerial decision making (7th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
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Managerial decision making Name: Institution: Date: (1)Saturn is an auto mobile manufacturer of brand new cars that was launched by the general motors a way back in 1985.This was a subsidiary response of general motors to the great success of Japanese automobile imports in the United States. The launching of Saturn was as a result of general motors loosing their market to the Japanese imports. The new division promoted itself as different independent Saturn dealers offering a no bargain cost and friendly customer service. Find herein the history of Saturn and why it never made profit for the general motors. The Saturn cooperation after its launch made its debut with series line of vehicles which Saturn differentiated themselves from other general motors products. However the new Saturn brand after sometime suffered from poor sales and was shuttered as part of general motors bankruptcy reorganization. Saturn was unable to make any profits following its high quality small cars with no haggle sales policy turning to slower sales than expected. Its product line was also limited where by they produce a coupe, sedan and a station wagon failing to produce larger cars or track to offer. This led their customers to opt the Japanese auto makers rather than switching to other general motors divisions. Another reason why Saturn was not able to bring any profit, it was not popular with general motors divisions. Its creation and success implied criticism of their ways and it siphoned scarce resources (Bazerman, & Moore, 2009). General motors recorded that it would more profitable without it but far more successful over time by adding Saturn’s capacity. General motors decided to continue funding the Saturn’s in order to rejuvenate the brand and expand its production capacity (Bridge, & Dodds, (1975).The extra production at Saturn was very essential to making the corporation strongly profitable. The escalation of commitment was in play with the general motors, this story of Saturn illustrates a common business problem: General motors stayed too long with a loosing venture. Faced with the prospect of exiting this business, they hanged on despite clear signs that it was time to bail out. (2)Polaroid Corporation is a company that revolutionized recreational photography 50 years ago. It manufactures instant imaging film products and produces silver halide instant cameras and films. The Polaroid Corporation sought bankruptcy protection for an alleged 2billion fraud at its parent company. It filed a bankruptcy protection to protect the company from its creditors. The company, after its achievement and taking hits with its advent of computers and digital photography, rested on its success for long instead of pressing on to keep the business on top. It failed to an...
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