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Management for Organizations: Wendy's International, LLC

Essay Instructions:

Focus of the Final Paper

This assignment focuses on how the management practices of planning, leading, organizing, staffing, and controlling are implemented in your workplace. If you are not currently working, you may use a previous employer. In this assignment, you must:
Analyze the application of these management concepts to your place of work; the paper will not simply be a report on the five functions in general.
Identify specific examples and explain of how each applies to the functions practiced in your place of work.
Be sure to integrate vocabulary learned throughout this course and citations from the text to support your analysis. The paper should be five to six pages in length and formatted according APA style guidelines.

Writing the Final Paper

The Final Paper:

Must be five to six double-spaced pages in length, excluding the title and reference pages, and formatted according to APA style.

Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.

Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.

Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.

Must use at least five scholarly sources.

Must document all sources in APA style.

Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Management for Organizations- The Wendy's Company - Wendy's International, LLC
How the management practices of planning, leading, organizing, staffing, and controlling are implemented in your workplace
Every organization has to deal with management issues, since they managers need to plan how to achieve the objectives while organizing activities to ensure efficiency, leading the employees, while also identifying controls to follow the identified plans and attain goals. Bad management issues ruin the reputation of the workplace since the employees are unlikely to be highly motivated. As such, getting work done efficiently is a top priority for the management, and they are also concerned with concerned with effectiveness as this influences the productivity in the workplace. The five management practices of planning, leading, organizing, staffing, and controlling are common in all organizations. This paper will focus on application of the management practices to the restaurant the Wendy's
Planning is a managerial function that focuses on the actions undertaken to create detailed action plans, identifying the course of action to achieve the organizational goals. The organizations leadership prioritizes planning, while focusing on positive practices to improve organizational effectiveness (Cameron, Mora, Leutscher & Calarco, 2011). Wendy’s has a strategic planning team as part of the top executive, and depending on their experiences they are tasked with planning various aspects of the company’s business. For instance, brand planning, adverting, promotions, public relations and product marketing are activities that are pre planned by those with experience in sales marketing and public relations. This is aimed at maintaining the company’s image and improving sales over time.
The management aligns the strategy with the mission, vision and objective of the company. The company’s mission statement provides guidelines on what the company believes simply stated as ‘ What we believe’ including quality assurance, doing the right things, treating people with respect, seeking to make profit a growth strategy and giving back to the community. Wendy’s vision emphasizes the need for quality at all times, with continuous improvement necessary to bring about innovative change. The management at Wendy’s then identifies strategies to support the company’s mission and vision, to have a competitive edge over the rivals. In any case, the planning function is related to the product development process where the planning team seeks to maintain quality assurance while managing distribution costs. To achieve this, the management plans by focusing on creative innovative approaches to reducing purchasing costs.
Organizations improve when they are able to implement continuous change, with leadership effectiveness necessary for success (Gilley, Gilley, & McMillan, 2009). The management guides and motivates the workers to achieve the set goals. When launching customer-service programs, the management at Wendy’s focus on incentives to encourage the employees and managers to come to the restaurant more often. This approach captures results from customer comments, where customer engagement and the employees response to customers makes it easier for them to relate to the customers. Having a sense of ownership and pride is vital to the success of incentive programs meant to motivate the employee. The employees are held more accountable since their responses influence their ability to deal with. The managers lead by example where the employees are held accountable while improving on customer service.
The leadership of Wendy’s is visionary as the leaders set the company apart from the competitors, and this is a legacy of the late founder Dave Thomas. The employees are crucial to improving growth prospects of restaurant chain to retain the value- oriented customers at Wendy’s efforts have focused on attracting more customers. To turn around the company’s performance over the competitors, Wendy’s also offers premium offerings while also including the fast food options. Leading by example highlights the actions undertaken to inspire and motivate the workers as the leaders are effective in communicating, while the employees work hard to achieve the organizational goals (Gilley, Gilley, & McMillan, 2009).
The organizing managerial function allows the management to rely on both personnel and material resources to meet the organizational objectives (Powell, 2007). The functional approach at organizing the management identifies the roles that drive Wendy’s strategy. For instance, the management is tasked with product and service innovation, sales growth in the same outlet, brand building and development of consumer-facing technology. These responsibilities are carried out by the top management who dedicate most of their time making decisions and planning. Managerial leadership is necessary to execute the strategies identified by the management, with the action plans been aligned with the strategies (Powell, 2007). Since the first-line managers are tasked with coordinating activi...
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