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Professional Practice Model or Magnet Designation Paper

Essay Instructions:

The focus of this paper is on how a professional practice model or a quality of practice designation such as Magnet drives healthcare change in institutions. Address how deciding to implement a particular professional practice model, or pursuing Magnet status or another quality award drives nursing and health care change in institutions. Chose either a professional practice model or a quality award as the focus for this paper.

Write a 3-4 page paper using the following guidelines and evaluation criteria. Use the headings below for each section. Use a minimum of seven references from the professional nursing literature in the assigned course readings and other references in the Walden Library. If they are relevant, you may use one or two professional web sites in addition to the literature references.

Begin this paper with a brief paragraph that provides an overview of the assignment and its purpose. The heading for this paragraph is the same as the title of the paper. This will be about 2-3 sentences. The last sentence in this paragraph is a sentence that begins "The purpose of this paper is to ¨. This paragraph is worth 20 points.

Overview of the model or quality award - 80 points

Provide an overview of the professional practice model, or quality award or designation that supports or recognizes the quality of nursing and health care provided in an organization. This is usually 2 paragraphs.

Influence of this model or program on change in health care organizations - 130 points

Discuss at least 3 specific ways in which preparing for implementing and maintaining the professional practice model or quality designation influences change in organizations. This is 3- 4 paragraphs.

Summary - 20 points

End the paper with a one-paragraph summary of the main points of the paper, not a conclusion.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Magnet Hospitals
Magnet hospitals are indicators for practicing nurses to look for in searching for institutions offering quality care to patients. The hospitals that are able to achieve the magnetic recognition mostly advertise their achievements, as the status is not easily achieved. This is because the hospitals deal with pushing their limits through working hard, having a deep loyalty from the staff as well as undergoing changes in the entire organization in order to achieve the status. Thus, the purpose of the paper is to explore the aspect of magnet hospital with the aim of evaluating its influence on change in health care organizations. Furthermore, it offers discussion on the ways in which the implementation and maintenance of the quality designation influences change in the organization (Aiken, Havens, Sloane & Buchan, 2000)
Magnet status
This refers to the highest recognition that can be awarded nationally to a medical centre for excelling on the nursing field. Furthermore, it is a standard that is nationally accepted of the care of the patient. Moreover, it offers the consumers of the health care with a foundation for evaluating the nursing care quality. The magnet status implies that the hospitals have an environment that boosts the nursing practice as well as majoring on the autonomy of the profession, the professional education, the participation of nurses in determination of the environments for practicing nursing as well as the process of bedside decision-making. As such, this can be attained where there is full participation as well as the support of the various departments and the employees in the hospital that have the care of the patients as their top most missions of the duties. Hospitals with the attainment of this status have improvements in their ratios of nurses to patients as well as the satisfaction of the patients. Hence, the consumers of health care are exposed to too much education that places emphasis of quality care as well as seeking of benchmarks that facilitate in choosing providers of health care (Hale, Long, Sanderson & Carr, 2008).
The program of magnet involves identification of excellence in the provided care of nursing. This environment boosts as well as rewards the nursing that is of quality as well as recognizing the philosophy of the management and the practice of the provided nursing services. Furthermore, it involves abiding to the standards set for the enhancement of the quality of the care of the patient. In addition, the magnet program ensures that the nurses benefit from the culture major on improvement of the outcome of the patients. There is increased professional growth as well as development through the opportunities of education as well as support. This program facilitates in building an environment that majors on recognizing as well as rewarding quality care. As such, this leads to a higher retention rate, thus there is reduced turnover as well as the rates of vacancy. Furthermore, there is facilitation of interdisciplinary collaboration as well as opportunities of professional growth. This leads to opportunities of leadership as well as the practice of professional nursing with a vibrant interdisciplinary framework, which boosts the practice of autonomy in the nursing practice (McCutcheon, 2009).
The magnet designation recognizes the worth of the nurses. This is because the designation recognizes the nursing program quality as well demonstration of its importance. Furthermore, it recognizes the relevance of the nurses to the achievement of the success of the whole firm. Hence, this is the highest achievements that a hospital is able to attain in the field of nursing. This is because the status of nursing recognizes the nursing staff caliber as well as the translation of professionalism in terms of the care of the patient as well as the services of health care (McLaughlin, 2010).
Nursing retention and recruitment
Research carried out by Linda Aiken revealed that facilities that were magnet designated outperformed other firms in their retention as well as recruitment of nurses. Furthermore, originally, the title of magnet hospitals was applied to the U.S hospitals that could successfully retain nurses after their recruitment during the shortage of the national nursing that o...
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