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MacDonald's as the leading organization in the fast foods industry. EBIT/EPS Analysis

Essay Instructions:

Read the Assurance of Learning Exercise 8A and 8B on page 282 of the textbook. Prepare a product positioning map, and perform the EPS/EBIT calculations given in 8B. Discuss, in a two-page APA formatted paper, how the product positioning is aligned with McDonald’s corporate strategy. Identify potential gaps in the product line or weaknesses in positioning. Describe the relevance of the EPS/EBIT chart and why it is significant with respect to strategy implementation.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Case Study: The MacDonald’s
MacDonald’s is an enterprise that specializes in the production of fast foods for their clients. This organization has been successful because of its product positioning. Nonetheless, there are weaknesses that must be corrected within the organization. It is also crucial to point out that an earnings per share (EPS) or earnings before income and tax (EBIT) analysis can help MacDonald’s determine the best financing for their expansion into Africa. Therefore, this paper examines the product positioning and analyzes the EPS values for the MacDonald’s organization.
Product Positioning
MacDonald’s is the leading organization in the fast foods industry. Their success in this industry is because of their vision that is linked to positioning of their products, which is to value their consumers’ experience in all their ventures. This implies that MacDonald’s has to offer exceptional services, quality, value, and cleanliness. The organization has been able to meet this vision by focusing on the following strategies: to provide operational excellence to all their consumers and restaurants, to be the finest employer for all the communities around the globe, maintaining their reputation and consistency, and to realize growth by embracing innovation and technology. Their greatest attribute (everyday affordability), together with adapting to the changing environment has ensured that the organization continues to values the customers experience. This is because MacDonald’s provides their consumers with what they want.

The fact that MacDonald’s is the leading organization in the fast foods industry does not imply that it free from weaknesses. For instance, the organization under discussion encourages their employees to acquire minimal skills by designing kitchen equipment that affords employees with less training. It is also crucial to note that MacDonald’s should cease from exploiting minors in countries like China. This owes to the reality that MacDonald’s has been reported to hire 14-year-old children that worked for $3 in China. Ultimately, MacDonald’s can result in childhood obesity, diab...
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