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Life Paper. Future Planning Related To Finance. Business Essay

Essay Instructions:

Use the following 3 pages to answer the prompts below


Section 1 “10 Years From Now” - Explain what you would realistically like your life to look like 10 years from now when you are in your early 30s (no points if you say “win the lottery”).    These are some suggested questions you can consider. (Where will you live, what job will you have, will you work for a company, a startup, or yourself, how much money will you have in savings,  how much debt will you have, what practices will you have in place to live a healthy lifestyle, what is your idea of good financial, emotional, and physical health, what will you do for fun, how will you serve others, how will you know you have succeeded – these are all areas you have some control over).


Section 2 “Accomplishing 10 Year Plan” - How will you ensure that your life looks like what you described above?  What specific, measurable, actionable, realistic, time bound steps will you take?  How will you be held accountable?


Section 3 “1-2 Years From Now” - Explain in a paragraph or more what you would realistically like your life to look like 1-2 years from now after you have graduated  (consider the same questions from Section 1 above).


Section 4 “Roadblocks” - What specifically could hold you back from achieving your 1-2 year goal?  And, what can you do to stack the odds in your favor (in other words, what can you do to decrease the likelihood of failure?)





Section 1 – 10 Years From Now

Start your paper here




Section 2 – Accomplishing 10 Year Plan

Start next section here




Section 3 – 1-2 Years From Now

Start next section here





Section 4 – Roadblocks

Start last section here


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Life Paper
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Life Paper
Section 1 – 10 Years from Now
Ten years from now I would like to be healthy, full of life, a sojourner, and an accomplished writer. I do not believe that in my early 30s I should be living in one city and seeing the same buildings and interacting with the same people. In my interpretation, being full of life means living in a way that leads to not only one’s happiness but everyone else’s as well. So, in the spirit of enjoying my youthfulness, I want to travel meet different people and give life whenever I can. My goal will be to make people smile and to help them believe in themselves more. Everyone deserves to be happy, and everyone is charged with the mandate of making sure they leave a place different than they found it. As is often said, life is other people, and by 30, I should be true to this statement.
I would like to work for myself, but my heart appears inclined toward writing. Words have the power to give life and to take it away. However, for me, my goal will be to use my writing to give people hope and to make them smile. I have always had the plan of retiring early, and this means that by the time I am in my 30s, my savings should be quite high. My target is to have a savings account with more than $500,000 and with a debt of less than $10,000 if I should be having any at the time. For me, financial health means having the right saving routine, reduced or minimized expenses, and great discipline to stick to one’s saving routine. Additionally, it also means that one has to keep their allure to debts low.
Aside from the above, my other goal is to make sure that I am living a healthy life. Currently, my commitment to healthy living is at 70%, but I have purposed to increase it and to hold myself to higher standards of living. With regards to my physical health, I have to find a way to eat healthy diets, run 8 miles every single day, and make sure I have enough sleep every day. However, I know this will not be enough and that I have to be wary of my emotional health as well. My goal with regards to my emotional health is that I will be able to control my behaviors or reactions to situations, have control over my thoughts and feelings as well. There is the misconception that being emotionally healthy means that one is happy all the time. However, the truth is that emotional health is concerned with a person’s awareness of their emotions and their control over them.
My greatest goal is to see other people smile and I believe this is the only way I ...
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