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BUS 303 module 3. Business Letter: Human Resources Management

Essay Instructions:


Read the Following Articles and Websites About Negative Messages and Business Letters

Writing Negative Messages.  Retrieved from: http://homepages(dot)wmich(dot)edu/~bowman/badnews.html

Crisis Communication: Lessons from 9/11

Letters... We Get Stacks of Letters and Business Notes.  Retrieved from:  http://www(dot)csun(dot)edu/~vcecn006/lettr.html

Writing an Effective Business Letter. Retrieved from: http://www(dot)office(dot)xerox(dot)com/small-business/tips/business-letter/enus.html


Read the case study below: 

Bad News Memo or E-Mail: Reassuring Staff After Layoffs (From Dr. Guffy’s case studies)

On the TV show "The Apprentice," Donald Trump seemed to relish announcing "You're fired" to losing contestants. But most employers recoil from having to tell employees that they will be "downsized." To make a difficult job easier, managers sometimes use plain language, euphemisms, and jargon to avoid bluntly announcing that someone has been fired or laid off. In fact, cutbacks have generated new words like "rightsizing" and "re-engineering."

Regardless of the language, today's economic tailspin forces organizations to tell employees that they will be losing their jobs by emphasizing what is best for the company. At e-Bay, 1,500 employees lost their jobs in a program of "employee simplification." At Yahoo the CEO explained layoffs as a way for the company to "become more fit."

No matter how you look at it, people are worried about losing their jobs, and those who remain are worried about whether the company will stay in business.

Experts differ on how to reveal possible workforce reductions. Should managers disclose the news indirectly and quietly? Or should they use the direct approach and announce loudly that they are taking forceful action to strengthen the organization in a dour economy? Some say that executives should use bland language to minimize the public relations fallout from mass firings. Vague explanations and even corporate jargon may be appropriate to reduce the negative effect on remaining employees and on recruiting new employees when the economy rebounds. Opaque language and euphemisms may lessen the impact of layoffs.

Assume you work in the human resource department of BrightWave Technology, a high-tech firm that has decided to lay off 10 percent of its workforce to maintain profitability. Although every department has participated in cost-cutting measures, expenses continue to mount, and sales are not where they should be.

Your boss, Shirley Schmidt, has asked you to draft an e-mail that goes to the staff whose jobs are untouched by the layoffs. The goal is to assure key employees that management is in control of the situation. You need to emphasize that BrightWave maintains a strong strategic vision, and that management is convinced of the firm's rosy future in the tech industry. Still, layoffs are necessary to make the company more financially stable. Ever mindful of its people, BrightWave is taking all possible measures to assist those who have lost their jobs. These reductions will help make the firm stronger, says Schmidt.

Assignment Instructions:  Draft an e-mail from Shirley Schmidt, director, Employee Relations, BrightWave Technology. In addressing remaining employees, your message should explain the bad news and strive to preserve employee morale. Decide whether to use the direct or indirect approach.  Apply as many concepts as possible from the readings. After you've written the letter, describe how you used the ideas from the readings. The paper should be 3 to 5 pages in length.

Submit your assignments by the module's due date.

Assignment Expectations:

Write a 3-5 page “draft email” from the director, Shirley Schmidt (remember that you are drafting the letter for Shirley Schmidt to sign).

Write a 150 word summary explaining why you used the principles you used in writing the email to Shirley Schmidt.

Apply as many concepts as possible from the readings. 

After you've written the letter, write a summary describing how you used the ideas from the readings. Make sure to include proper referencing in your summary.

Submit your assignments by the module's due date.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Business Letter
November 11, 2013,
BrightWave Technology,
6454 broadways avenue, suite 200,
Deliver, CO. 938477,
Ms. Shirley Schmidt,
Human Resources Director,
6746 broadways avenue,
Deliver CO. 746489.
Dear Mr. Fergusson: Human Resources Management
The department would like to take this chance to thank you for the undivided attention that you have continued to show at the place of work. It is our greatest gratitude, as you have continued to show innovativeness and utmost resourcefulness to the company. The department remains proud of the great contribution that you have made, especially in the last two years, where the company has emerged at the top of the table among our competitors. It is with same gratitude that the department would want to inform you that your job position will not be affected during the downsizing process.
It is the company’s greatest regret that more than 10% of the employees will lose their jobs to the downsizing strategies. This has resulted from the fact that the company is suffering from the current economic downtime, which has resulted in unprofitable business in the technology industry. The difficult decision was made after all the departments were advised to cut down on their spending; however the target profit margin was not achievable.
The company gives the assurance that it will continue to support the employees through this difficult time. As the various department restructure to absorb the changes that will be realized, there are great opportunities for the employees towards career development. This department will ensure that the transition is smooth enough for all the employees as they try to adjust accordingly. The future of the company looks even much brighter, with the introduction of new refined strategies and policies that will be communicated. This will ensure that all the employees benefit from the growth that is expected in the future. According to the financial projections that have been completed recently in this quarter, in line with the new strategies, the company is set to regain its position at the top of the table of competition.
To see further details of the new adjustment please visit the company website which has been updated with the latest developments. Any further questions can be directed to the human resource director’s office for assistance or appointments.
Best regards.
Shirley Schmidt.
One of the crucial aspects of layoffs is not just the fact that there are a lot of employees that lose their jobs; it is those that are left behind. After the lay off the management should make sure that all their attention is directed to the employees that survive the layoff. It is important that these employees are assured of their importance to the company by restating their immense contributions to the well being of the company. This has to be done at the individual level to make sure that the trust that existed before is reinstated. It is common for the survivors to develop guilt and feelings that are related to anxiety of the future of the company as well as their in terms of their career (Xerox, 2013).
While the idea of addressing the issue from the indirect point of view is well within the thoughts of making the news less unatt...
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