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Leadership Final Paper

Essay Instructions:

Assignment Write an 8- to 10-page paper (a total of approximately 2000 to 2500 words). The paper should include: ●An integrative, summary statement of your strengths and weaknesses as a leader or potential leader (approximately 3-4 pages, or 800 to 1000 words) ● A developmental plan that describes what you can do in the next five years to enhance your capacity to serve as a leader (approximately 5 to 6 pages, or 1250 to 1500 words). This plan should address what you set out in the summary statement described above: that is, it should detail how you can use and even build on your current strengths while it also sets out how you can eliminate or reduce your weaknesses. Be sure to include some consideration of the broad context in which you lead or would like to lead. Important note: Your paper should refer to the concepts, theoretical perspectives, dynamics, skills, and practices that have been important elements of the course. My strongest skills: Emotional intelligence Assertiveness Self-confidence Creativity My Weakest skills: Coaching Farsightedness Hi, textbook is Leadership: Research Findings, Practice, and Skills, 6th ed. by Andrew J. Dubrin which I uploaded.Try to use this as a guide. I give you two resources but you can use any other that do you feel comfortable.In addition, I'm female in my 40's . I work as a manager in a Dental Office. My strongest skills are Emotional intelligence Assertiveness Self-confidence Creativity My Weakest skills are Coaching Farsightedness I hope that it would help Thank you in advance

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Leadership Final Paper

Table of Contents
 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc383027167" 1.0 Introduction  PAGEREF _Toc383027167 \h 3
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc383027168" 2.0 Strengths  PAGEREF _Toc383027168 \h 3
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc383027169" 2.1 Emotional intelligence  PAGEREF _Toc383027169 \h 3
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc383027170" 2.2 Assertiveness  PAGEREF _Toc383027170 \h 4
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc383027171" 2.3 Self-confidence  PAGEREF _Toc383027171 \h 5
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc383027172" 2.4 Creativity  PAGEREF _Toc383027172 \h 5
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc383027173" 3.0 Weaknesses  PAGEREF _Toc383027173 \h 6
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc383027174" 3.1 Coaching  PAGEREF _Toc383027174 \h 6
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc383027175" 3.2 Farsightedness  PAGEREF _Toc383027175 \h 6
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc383027176" 4.0 Personal developmental plan  PAGEREF _Toc383027176 \h 7
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc383027177" 4.1 Professional goals  PAGEREF _Toc383027177 \h 7
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc383027178" 4.2 Opportunities for Development  PAGEREF _Toc383027178 \h 7
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc383027179" 4.3 The Objectives and Actions to Apply  PAGEREF _Toc383027179 \h 10
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc383027180" 5.0 Conclusion  PAGEREF _Toc383027180 \h 11
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc383027181" 6.0 References  PAGEREF _Toc383027181 \h 12

1.0 Introduction
Among the various reasons for efficiency and development in some organizations, good leadership is a key thing. When there is good leadership within a company or business, this reflects in the entire organization. The contemporary world is filled with economic strains and thus the companies willing to outstand requires strong leadership. Both small and big businesses, focusing on either local or global market good leadership is essential since there is a lot of uncertainty in economic considerations ((DuBrin, 2011)). It is always important that leaders evaluate themselves in regard to daily their daily operations, noting ways of being more efficient. As a manager at a dental office, various personal strengths and weaknesses are notable, attracting the need to form a developmental plan for the next five years to enhance a personal capacity in leadership.
2.0 Strengths
2.1 Emotional intelligence
Emotional intelligence has really had a personal impact at the work place. This could be because it is believed that emotional intelligence is the distinguishing factor for the best leaders from the majority. It is easy to manage and understand personal emotions as well as the emotions of the people around. This is a strength that has offered me a variety of skills that includes the capability of managing relationships, inspiring and influencing others, and navigating social networks. On personal opinion, emotional intelligence has boosted my competency at work, creating a favorable environment for all employees who handle me just as one of their colleagues. This strength helps in having self-awareness and thus being capable of recognizing emotions in their happening. In fact, I am able to understand both my strengths and weaknesses through emotional intelligence without any obstruction. In addition, the strength has contributed towards good personal management of emotions, which later assists in being capable of regulating me and staying in control. This way, I have learnt to think before acting and managing anger to avoid it in altering my behavior ((DuBrin, 2011)). Effective communication is also owed to emotional intelligence, as well as the capability to resolve conflict in the company effectively.
2.2 Assertiveness
Assertiveness has proved very significant on the line of duty through which personal as well as group requirements are stated effectively. Personally, this seems like more of an innate aspect which is used only when it is necessary. I would automatically say what I feel or think is positive and constructive manner, having an elevated moral courage and mature and strong ego when applying it. It has served me effectively especially during communication through which other workers are able to know what I want and their stand, giving them a chance of modifying their actions or react with their own ideas and needs. There has been a personal application on assertiveness at particular times, which has helped in gaining authority and respect. This has successfully happened without isolating any members belonging to the group or even any individual outside the group. Assertiveness has been maintained and learned through regular practice in the working place. Some individual may mistake assertiveness for a weakness and even compare it with aggressiveness, yet there is so much difference. This is because the distinction is evident in the way the leader’s behavior and words affect the well-being and rights of other people or employees. There is a personal manner of being assertive without appearing like an aggressive leader.
2.3 Self-confidence
Self-confidence has really earned personal respect from colleagues both of a higher rank and lower. Most of the employees that come to request for mentorship have outlined the self-confidence trait that they note in me. It was through them that I realized that most people prefer and trust their leaders who have confidence in themselves. The personal decisiveness has earned respect with most employees. One of the best things I have learnt through self-confidence is that it paves way for consistency because of standing by own decisions. This enhances development in any company regardless of the complexity of the task taken; there is willingness to accomplish it. In addition, accepting any errors or corrections from colleagues is a positive reflection of self-confidence, indicating to others the leader isn’t perfect and that they also have a right to participate through ideas. At the personal line of work, I confidently make decisions after being sure that they would work well and consultations, then I would follow them through, standing by them and admit mistakes if found at fault. Being able to deliver vocally and posses a presence sense, as well as being influential has helped a great deal, leading to development of the organization and instilling the same to employees which has increased production.
2.4 Creativity
Creativity has enabled me to come up with new ideas of operations within the workplace, acting as an eye-opener that it is essential in leadership. Personal creativity has enhanced the company because of daring to try out if new ideas would bring about different results. In fact, effective creativity draws a line between the excellences of one company that applies it, to failure of the other of the same kind which doesn’t apply creativity. This has been evident at our working place since, it has been exceptionally preferable to numerous customers than the nearby dental institutions. I also welcome ideas from individuals or creative teams and embrace them after evaluating it they would work well (Rath & Conchie, 2009). Coming up with innovative ideas has also inspired employees to do the same, after which we would meet once per week to share them out.
3.0 Weaknesses
3.1 Coaching
This has been quite a challenging task for me, yet it is supposed to be a leadership skill for bringing teams to work together effectively. Due to various strategic priorities and other responsibilities awaiting me daily, there is limited time for coaching. Being able to manage teams has always been a challenge in that there people of different characters and attitudes. In addition, the members that make a team are usually different levels of commitment and competence to a certain goal. Such persons require follow-up since such a group is a mix of competent and relatively competent members that has different levels of commitment. Leveling the expectations of different employees in the same team is vital in enhancing the success of a common goal. There is a personal realization that lack of this important skill could blow the company because both individual and team work enthusiasm or motivation is vital in every developing company.
3.2 Farsightedness
This is another very important leadership skill yet very difficult for me to pursue. This could be because of my interest of seeing the effectiveness of any applications and fancying quick results. There is always a pers...
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