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Essay Instructions:

Assignment 1: Finding the Leader in You: Self-Assessment / Johari Window Due Week 3 and worth 60 points The Johari Window emphasizes that we may not be aware of everything that there is to know about ourselves. Others may know things about us that we just cannot see or are unwilling to admit. One way to improve our personal relationships is to increase what we know about ourselves and what others know about us. The following two (2) behaviors are key to improving personal and professional relationships: •Openness to Feedback – we have to recognize that others see things in us that we may not be aware of and accept information they provide. •Willingness to Disclose – we have to trust others enough to share personal information with them. Grasping the realities of organizational behavior begins with an understanding one’s own personality and behavioral tendencies. Assignment 1 is designed to address issues of personal understanding, planning, and professional development. By analyzing your own assessment, you will understand how intuitiveness, culture, diversity, and leadership style influence decision making. Reference the scores of the assessments that you completed for homework in Week 1 as you complete this assignment. Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you: 1.Develop a profile of your personality characteristics and assessment results. 2.Summarize the results of the assessments you completed for homework in Week 1. 3.Analyze how attributes / scores speak to your relationships and career choice. 4.Submit the completed Self-Assessment Score Sheet as an appendix in Assignment 1. 5.Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: •Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. •Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: •Analyze the relationship between the basic organizational behavior models of individual, group, and organizational processes and the productivity of an organization. •Determine how workplace stress contributes to individual performance. •Explore how individual differences, personality traits, and perspectives impact the productivity of an organization. •Use technology and information resources to research issues in organizational behavior. •Write clearly and concisely about organizational behavior using proper writing mechanics.


Self-Assessment Score Sheet

Directions: Complete the following self-assessments: A Twenty-First-Century Manager, “TT” Leadership Style, Intuitive Ability, Conflict Management Strategies, Time Management Profile, Organizational Design Preference, and Which Culture Fits You?” These self-assessments are located in Week 1 of your course shell. Read the scoring narrative provided at the end each self-assessment and record your score in the appropriate area below. Then, read the interpretation narrative and write a brief interpretation of what your score means.


Assessment: A Twenty-First-Century Manager 

PMF Score:  __4___

Interpretation: I really need to work on my managerial skills and competencies especially since I plan on becoming an employer instead of an employee. I have to make a conscious effort to improve in this area.



Assessment: “TT” Leadership Style Assessment

“Transformational” Leader Score:   __33___

“Transactional” Leader Score:  __17___

Interpretation: I am a transformational leader and have a vision and desire for extraordinary accomplishment in followers.



Assessment: Intuitive Ability

Intuitive Score:  __6___

Interpretation: I could be better in this assessment. I only picked “b” twice out of 12 questions and that says to me that I’m not that intuitive and prefer instruction over taking the first step.



Assessment: Conflict Management Strategies

Yielding tendency:  ___9__

Compromising tendency:  __10___

Forcing tendency:  __10___

Problem-solving tendency:  __10___

Avoiding tendency:  __10___


Interpretation: Since I’m pretty even across the board I think this might be something that I’m pretty good at.



Assessment: Time Management Profile

Score:  ___4__

Interpretation: I could probably work on this. I know how to manage my time when there are deadlines and something of importance but other than that time can get away from me.



Assessment: Organizational Design Preference

Score:  __62___

Interpretation: My score shows that I would be comfortable working in either design preference but I think I lean more toward organic than mechanical.




Assessment: Which Culture Fits You?

Score:  __4__ 

Interpretation: The academy. I like working for a place that values long-term relationships. A place that puts value in their employees by offering training and advancement opportunities.



Essay Sample Content Preview:

Since I want to be a leader, I have some of the qualities that indicate my personality is attuned to this vision. Characteristically, I am a person that would want to see all of the people that I lead make something of themselves. This relates to the fact that I like to see people that I am working with do extraordinary things, by being creative and exploiting their brilliance. This also relates to the fact that, I have some excellent skills in resolving conflict among the staff that am working with. As such, work environment that cultivates relationships and continuously training their staff for the betterment of their skills is always the best for me. However, there are some areas that need a lot of practice in order to finetune my abilities and skills required to becoming an accomplished leader (Leatherman, 2008). One of the key points is that, I have to watch my time management skills as well as the ability to take the lead in any given scenario other than being comfortable with taking instructions. By taking the proactive stance of changing the various areas that prove to be lowering my chance of becoming an accomplished leader, I can better manage and improve my skills at different levels.
In a summary of the results from the assessment, my managerial skills require some fine tuning, which will enlist my proactive efforts to change. With reference to either being a transformational or a transactional leader, most of my skills lean towards the former. In the assessment of my intuitive abilities, I scored low meaning that I like to follow instructions rather than intuitively taking the lead. However, with reference to the skills in managing conflict among the staff, I happen to score highly which is a reflection of my abilit...
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