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Social Media Posts that Lead to an Employee being fired

Essay Instructions:

This module is a hands-on exercise to master research in Trident’s Online Library (accessed at the top left of the TLC Portal home page), and on the Internet. You will also learn how to create a research paper using APA format, citation, and referencing.

Review required readings for Module 1 before starting this assignment. Published materials will provide guidance on referencing, formatting, and using the Trident Online Library.

Social media posts that lead to an employee being fired.

The finished assignment will be 1 page long. The reason this is a 1-page paper is to ensure that you spend time and energy learning to research different types of sources, and have a finished product that reflects your voice that is properly formatted using APA. No quotations are permitted in this submission.

Goal: Provide an overview of the aspect of “Internet Privacy” you have selected.

Research Requirements: You must use all four types of resources below:

The following book: Business Ethics: A Stakeholder and Issues Management Approach by Joseph Weiss, published in 2014, available in the EBSCO eBook Collection in the Trident Online Library.

Here is the link to the book:


A scholarly journal article from Business Source Complete (EBSCO). (See module resources to identify this type of source.)

A periodical article from ProQuest Central.

A resource found through an internet search.

Analysis: In the Appendix of the paper, you will provide feedback on the resources you used.

Weiss book: Explain how you found the book in Trident’s library. Assess the ease of use of the ebook.

Business Source Complete (EBSCO): How did you know that the article was scholarly? What attributes told you this?

ProQuest Central: How was this type of article different from the scholarly one? Explain the process you used with regard to search terms.

Internet Source: How did you determine that the Web resource was appropriate for a graduate-level paper? Was the author or source legitimate? Explain.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Social Media Posts and Employment
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Social Media Posts that Lead to an Employee being fired
Internet Privacy Overview
In most cases, employees post different contents on social media platforms that might affect their jobs if things take a wrong turn. In the recent past, some organizations have sacked workers because of their online posts. Employers expect the workers to act in an appropriate way always, thus making social media one of the areas of concern. However, it is imperative to listen to the employee before making the final termination decision.
Weiss Book
Business ethics: a stakeholder and issues management approach is one of the most appropriate publications for the analysis of internet privacy. Weiss uses different contemporary examples to illustrate the different forms of business ethics dilemmas. Additionally, the author utilizes an issue-oriented approach and a stakeholder’s point of view in writing the book using a blend of theory and practice (Weiss, 2014). The book is one of the most appropriate guides for determining ethical standards in the workplace. Besides, it is informative on the impact of business actions on the well-being of different stakeholders. Weiss’ book is easy to use because of the different stories that relate to ethical issues in each chapter. Accordingly, it was easy to find the book on Trident’s library through the use of its title and author.
Business Source Complete (EBSCO)
Bob Bragdon reveals that people use social media as one of the platforms of frequent interactions in his article, The Business Side of Security. According...
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