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Jobe Smith & Abraham Maslow

Essay Instructions:

Answers questions below and should be grammatically correct. Be specific, be succinct. Brevity is critical in writing and getting it read by others. Fully explain any concept discussed in your paper, but do not include definitions directly from the text book, power-point slides (must use your own words). Each question must have a citation (either textbook, must include page number, or outside source). 

1. Jobe Smith has decided to build his manufacturing business (lawn mowers in the U.S.) around the production concept. If this approach is taken, what will be Mr. Smith’s primary areas of concentration as he builds his business? What issues might Mr. Smith face in deciding to go with this concept as he builds his business? (Points : 100)

2. Abraham Maslow sought to explain why people are driven by particular needs at particular times. How does Maslow’s theory help marketers? How might you use Maslow’s hierarchy of needs in marketing cell phones in the U.S. versus Haiti (before the earthquake)? Please develop a marketing research project to gather the data. (Points : 100)

3. A pharmaceutical manufacturer followed sales representatives in the field to observe some 150 interactions between sales reps and physicians and support staff. They watched sales reps approach the doctors, how they got around their gatekeepers, how they delivered their brands’ messages, and so forth. These observations led to improvements in training new reps.

In what category of research would this study fall? Provide advantages and disadvantages of this category of research. What would be the next step in the marketing research process? (Points : 100)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Jobe Smith & Abraham Maslow
Institutional Affiliation
Question 1: Jobe Smith
The production concept is highly effective, particularly for manufacturers that are looking to establish their brand and acquire considerable market share. For Jobe Smith, the lawn mower production business demands that the production concept be employed, especially if success is to be achieved.
In order to be successful in building his business, Jobe Smith will have to focus his energies on a few areas. First and foremost is high production efficiency (Suzaki, 1987). The production lines in Mr. Smith’s factory will have to be efficient and top-of the-range. This will allow the production of lawn mowers at an efficient rate that guarantees not only increased production, but also minimal time wastage. The organization of employees would also have to be scheduled properly to ensure that the company employs just the required number of workers to achieve their production goals. This would save on unnecessary employee wages every week, month and year. The second aspect that Mr. Smith would have to focus on is low costs (Wilson, 2011).
This would demand that he acquires high quality raw materials as cheaply as he can. This cheap acquisition of raw materials would allow him to lower the cost of production for his lawn mowers which would ultimately enable him to price them cheaply, a factor that is essential in the production concept. Having a high production efficiency will ensure maximum production at minimal costs, which will also play a role in lowering the cost of utilities such as water and power. All these contribute towards lowering the cost of production and eventually the cost of the commodity. The final aspect that must be embraced is mass distribution (Heim & Compton, 1992). In order to have his products sold to a large market at inexpensive prices, mass distribution channels must be exploited. This may require partnering with an existing mass retailer to ensure the products reach the target market.
The biggest issue that Mr. Smith stands to face is in mass distribution. This is because it proves somewhat difficult to exploit the mass distribution channels in the manufacturing industry. In order to be successful, he must partner with the right people as this is the only way he can have his product distributed in a mass scale.
Question 2: Abraham Maslow
Maslow’s hierarchy or needs is quintessential to marketers. This is because understanding this hierarchy allows marketers to structure their approach to target the right kind of clients. Based on the product being marketed, marketers are able to determine whether their target market will be individuals that have all their, say physiological, needs met or those that are yet to have all these needs met. In this way, they can ensure that their time and effort is not wasted on people that are less likely to buy the intended product (Conley, 2007).
In spite of the fact that cell phones are becoming a ‘necessity’ today, they still cannot be classified as a fundamental need. In fact, cell phones are actually a symbol of prestige, once one puts the...
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