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Job proposal

Essay Instructions:

Project 2: The Business Proposal

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For this assignment you are to write a 1,000-1,500 word, single-spaced proposal, seeking your instructor’s approval to move forward with your final report—a recommendation report in which you analyze a problem and recommend a new approach or supplement an existing approach.

The proposal is the first document in a sequence leading up to that final assignment: 1) proposal; 2) the progress report; 3) the final recommendation report.


Your proposal should persuade your instructor that a significant problem exists in a realorganization and that you should be permitted to solve it. You do not have to have the solution to the problem at this time; rather you are suggesting that your instructor have faith in you to research a solution.

When writing the proposal, think of your instructor as someone who wants to be sure that you choose a project from which you can learn a great deal and on which you can do a good job. Your instructor needs to be convinced that this project is important and that you have the ability to complete it.

While your instructor is willing to consider a wide range of topics for your report, you must persuade your instructor that you have chosen a sizable and worthwhile issue that you are capable of handling well. In reading your proposal, your instructor will be looking for answers to the following questions:

  • What problem will your report address? Have you clearly defined a conflict between a desired situation and the current situation?
  • Whose problem is it? Who will read the report? What is your position relative to your readers?
  • Why is this problem significant for these readers? What’s at stake? What effects does this problem produce?
  • Have you analyzed the problem and considered alternatives? Have you established what a good solution would require? Have you thought about alternative plausible solutions? Is your solution plausible, given your client’s constraints on time, money, effort, and so forth?
  • What makes you qualified to carry out the project? How is the topic related to your specialized skills or knowledge? Your career plans?
  • What will it take to gather the necessary information and complete your analyses? Can you complete your report in the time left in this summer session, using resources readily available to you?
  • Do you have a work plan for your project? What logistical information do you need to achieve your goal?



The format of this assignment should be that of a memo. Protocols for memos are provided in The BCOMM Guide to Business Writing. Select your information and organize it in such a way that it is persuasive and accessible. Include the following:

Your proposal should include the following information:

  • Introduction: A paragraph that contextualizes the purpose and topic of your proposal.
  • Background and problem: Brief background information on the organization, stakeholders, and detailed explanation of the existing problem. The problem should be a meaningful concern for the organization.
  • Solution and deliverable: Detailed explanation of your solution.
    • Describe what kind of information you will gather for this project and how it will help you develop a meaningful final report. Will you go to the library and research the latest techniques in your field? Will you write a computer program or complete some other project? Will you investigate the cost of new equipment? Will you talk to people who have solved the problem for other organizations? Some combination of these?
    • What benefits will the organization receive because of your proposed solution?
    • Include an analysis of potential pitfalls or challenges you may encounter in this project and your plan for addressing these potential problems.
  • Credentials. Explain what experience or expertise you have relevant to this project.
  • Schedule: A project timeline. Be specific here about the steps needed to complete the project. Don’t forget time for revision.
  • Conclusion. Summarize problem and benefits of proposed solution. Request permission to proceed.
  • References. APA or MLA style.


Evaluative Criteria


A: Accurately demonstrates an understanding of the genre conventions for business proposals.

B: Demonstrates an understanding of the genre conventions for business proposals with some problem areas.

C: Demonstrates limited understanding of the genre conventions for business proposals with repeated problem areas.

D: Does not conform to the genre conventions for business proposals.


A: Provides a compelling explanation of the client’s need (problem statement), a thoroughly researched background narrative of the client, a clear explanation and justification of deliverables, feasible research plan, meaningful explanation of credentials, and a workable timeline.

B: At least one of the elements of the proposal is poorly written or there are minor problems throughout several sections of the proposal (overview, problem statement, background, research plan, credentials, deliverable, or schedule).

C: Several elements of the proposal are poorly written or missing information (overview, problem statement, background, research plan, credentials, deliverable, or schedule).

D: Proposal content cannot be evaluated because of serious content problems (missing sections, does not follow guidelines, etc.).

Tone and Conventions

A: Professional but approachable style, tailored to the specific audience. Conventions are followed accurately.

B: Professional but approachable style, tailored to the specific audience with minor slips in clarity or word choice. Conventions are followed accurately but include minor slips.

C: Attempt at professional, approachable style, tailored to the specific audience, but repeated slips in clarity or word choice. Conventions include repeated slips.

D: Style and tone are inappropriate for written business communication.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Job Proposal
To: From: Date: Subject: Job Proposal
This memorandum looks into how I would deal with problem of accommodation for students with disabilities at Penn State University if appointed to head the vacant position of heading the halls and accommodation department. The university has already made provisions for these students through focusing on reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. However, I write to you giving a proposal on how to improve the accommodation services and ensure that there is better compliance with the existing policies and propose solution. For students with disabilities life in school can be challenging and improving accommodation is one of the ways to be more inclusive to enable the students have equal access to education. As such, this reviews the problem aforementioned, highlights on the research methods utilized, proposed schedule and highlights on qualifications which show that I am capable and qualified to tackle the problem.
Statement of the Problem
Federal legislations like Americans with Disabilities Act and the Rehabilitation Act and various local and state laws outlaw discrimination in higher education for people living with disabilities. At the moment, reasonable accommodations encompasses, the range of modifications that are undertaken to ensure that students with disability can participate in course, programs, facilities and activities. However, there is little emphasis on housing accommodation for these students, and this should be a top priority in order to accommodate the needs of all students and realize the goal of equality in the school.
Reasonable accommodation has been stated in general terms, but there are cases when students may feel left out as they cannot fully participate in school activities and easily access appropriate housing. It is noteworthy to highlight that students have different levels of functioning, and this affects how the administration deals with students. Hence, it is necessary to gather as much information as possible for students who have been invited to enroll in the university. Essentially, this extends from the need to handle each student cases by case and also meeting their collective needs. Besides relying on documentation to help in planning, the proposed solution also focuses on the need to ensure that all laws are adhered to. This would make the school’s policy more inclusive and broad based while also laying emphasis on individual requirements more than ever before.
While the policies already adopted are necessary to ensure equal access to education and provision of accommodation, the university is not mandated to make adjustments that would impose a heavy financial burden. While this is a reasonable stance on the part of the university, issues concerning the accommodation of students with disabilities have not been adequately covered. This includes giving these students first priority by assigning them rooms which are easily accessible and where they would moat likely be comfortable. Hence, this should extend to assigning rooms depending on the level of disability and where it is easy to place auxiliary aids although the school is also not obligated to provide specific accommodation requirements.
Furthermore, request for accommodation should be addressed to the Office for disability Services (ODS). If the office becomes more involved in addressing accommodation services, then it wil...
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