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Japan's Populatin Pyramid

Essay Instructions:

Find the population pyramid of a country that interests you (cannot be the US, Russia, Nigeria, Canada, or China as those were included in the video). Populationpyramid.net is a good website for this. Click the dropdown by the term "world" to get a list of countries.

Please write about Japan.

Comparing the country to the world as a whole, evaluate the characteristics of the underlying populations in this particular country. What can you tell about the country from looking at its population pyramid? How might this be useful as a policymaker and as an investor deciding where to expand globally? Include an image of your chosen population pyramid in your discussion.

Your primary post should be about 250 words. Any outside sources should be cited (APA preferred). Copying and pasting of text is never allowed in this class even on discussion boards. Make sure you thoroughly address the questions asked and that you follow the conventions of standard written English.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Population in Japan
Institutional Affiliations
Population in Japan
The following is a population pyramid of Japan.
Fig 1: Populationpyramid.net
Japan’s population accounts for 1.62% of the total world population. It is the 11th most populated country globally. While the world population records an increase in the community, Japan has been recording a decline. Japan has a portion of an aging population, whereas the world mainly consists of a young community. Data gathered in 2020 show that the country has 126, 476, 458 people, with a density of 334.63 people/km2. From the pyramid, the population in Japan has had a sharp decline since 2018, represented by a declining birthrate. The decline in birthrate makes Japan concentrated by an aging population. Children and the youth (ages 0-35) in the country are very few compared to the working and the aged (35-79) due to low birthrates.
The continuing trend shows that the country may be in a crisis of lacking a strong workforce ten years from now. This would be catastrophic to the economic growth of Japan. The data provided by the po...
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