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International Marketing Report for BYD Auto Co., Ltd.

Essay Instructions:

Every report should have a Product Life Cycle strategy represented by a curve

Dear Students, pls remember that the product life cycle in your report is a plan for first 3-5 years

Which product models are you going to introduce to your new market? In which order?

You maximize sales when you have a product in each PLC phase.

Overview of Assessment 

The assessment is an individual coursework task. 

The Context

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought to the world some of the most disastrous impact on the global economy as well as the loss in lives in modern history. Since March 2020, many countries have accumulated financial deficits which are the highest they have been since World War II and the global economy has plunged into the worst recession since the Great Depression.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, previously successful service sectors such as leisure, tourism, airlines, hotels and cruise holidays have been hit very hard due to the repeated lockdowns imposed by national governments in order to control the spread of the virus. Despite this, the demand for many products grew. For example, as many people began working from home, sales of computer hardware, cameras, laptops and video conferencing software soared. The fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) industry has actually kept growing during this period because most FMCG products are considered as necessities by consumers. 
The comprehensive global rollout of the Covid vaccines is widely perceived as the panacea to combating the spread of the virus and the recovery of the global economy. As more consumers around the world have access to Covid vaccines, it is projected that most countries in the world will return to growth by the end of 2022. Proactive organisations are now engaged in forward planning to benefit from the post-Covid growth of global markets. 
You work for a Chinese medium-sized consultancy company which specialises in international marketing research and strategy development. Against the background on the global recovery from the pandemic, your company has just been awarded a contract by a new client (see Choice of Organisation below) to undertake an international marketing project. As well as being financially rewarding, the successful execution of the work as contracted by this new client would enhance your company’s reputation internationally as a credible consultancy company.  
You have been tasked by your company to be the lead consultant. Your remit is to help your client to first carry out a market analysis to identify a new international market with good potential and produce a medium-term international marketing strategy based on the findings of your analysis, for entry into this new international market from 2023. 
Choice of OrganisationYou will base your coursework on one of the two organisations listed below.

Li Ning

 Li Ning Co., Ltd. was founded by Ning Li in 1989 in Beijing, China. It focuses on the research and development, design, manufacture, distribution, and retail of sport goods including footwear, apparel, equipment, and accessories for professional and leisure purposes. Despite the company’s efforts to enter overseas markets through high-profile endorsement deals with NBA stars, its brand awareness and distribution coverage in foreign markets remains weak. However, the increasing popularity of sportswear and streetwear around the world offers Li Ning unprecedented opportunities to expand abroad.
Li Ning are looking to expand their international markets in one of the following global regions:
a. South America – examples of countries include Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Columbia and Mexico.b. Africa - examples of countries include Algeria, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Zambia and South Africa.


BYD Auto

BYD Auto Co., Ltd. ("Build Your Dreams") is the automotive subsidiary of the Chinese multinational BYD Co Ltd, headquartered in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province. It was founded in January 2003, following BYD Company's acquisition of Qinchuan Automobile Company in 2002. The company produces cars, buses, trucks, electric bicycles, forklifts and rechargeable batteries. The current model range of automobiles includes electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid vehicles and petrol engine vehicles. According to official sources, in July 2021, BYD has handed over the first units of its all-electric SUV model Tang to customers in Norway.Having already established subsidiaries in both Europe and US, the Chinese brand has ambitious plans to enter more international markets in the near future. 
Bullion is looking to expand its operations internationally and are considering the following regions:a. Emerging EV markets in Asia– examples of countries India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore etc. b. Penetrate into European market- Northern Europe – examples of countries include Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.

Module title: Marketing in Global Contex

Assessment title: International Marketing Report

Individual/group: Individual

Format: Written ReportWord count: 3,500 words (+/- 10%) Weighting: 100%Task brief
Select a client from the two choices given above. Then, select one of the two global regions in which your client would like to expand its international markets. You have been tasked to conduct an international market analysis into the selected global region through which you will identify and recommend to your client the most suitable country/market. Following your market analysis, you are required to produce an international marketing strategy for making a successful market entry into this country/market.  Your task submission should be produced in an academic report format and include the following:Section A (1500 words)a. A short introduction to Section A.b. Briefly introduce the global region that is selected for this market analysis. c. A ‘rough market screening’ in which you apply the appropriate concepts to help you to systematically carry out the market screening of identified countries using all necessary secondary sources. d. A ‘market ranking process’ that helps you rank the identified countries. Before ranking, you are required to outline and justify your choice of criteria which are used for this process. The outcome of this process will lead to one most suitable target country/market for your client. e. A ‘fine market screening’ of the target country/market, including your approach to market segmentation, your recommended market segment(s), analysis of consumer behaviour of the market segment(s), and analysis of the competitive environment.
Section B (2000 words)a. A short introduction to Section B. b. Outline the SMART international marketing objectives for the selected country/market linked to your market analysis and findings. c. In line with your objectives, identify and briefly evaluate two options for market entry modes. Then, recommend the most appropriate entry mode. d. Discuss the branding decision for your company/product/brand in a cross-cultural setting and the positioning in this new market. e. Present, discuss and justify the marketing mix decisions which would be effective and efficient in reaching your target customer segment(s) and achieving competitive advantage. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Marketing in A Global Context

Students Name

Institutional Affiliation

Course Code and Name

Instructors Name



Marketing in A Global Context. 3

Section A.. 3

Introduction to Section A.. 3

Rough Market Screening. 4

Selection of Focus Country: Thailand. 6

Table 1.1: Accessibility, Profitability and Market Size Model – Thailand. 6

Market Ranking Process. 7

Table 1.2: Market accessibility and Ability to Compete. 8

Fine Market Screening. 10

Approach to Market Segmentation. 10

Recommended Market Segment(s) 10

Analysis of Consumer Behavior. 11

Analysis of the Competitive Environment. 11

Section B. 11

Introduction to Section B. 11

Smart Goals. 12

Marketing Entry Modes. 14

Recommendation: Strategic Alliances with Local Influencers. 16

Branding Decision. 16

Product Life Cycle. 17

Marketing Mix Decisions. 18

Recommendations. 19

Conclusion. 20

References. 21

Marketing in A Global Context

Section A

Introduction to Section A

The aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic has caused many companies to reassess their global market strategies, seeking new avenues for expansion and growth (Baker et al., 2020). In this context, the consultancy firm has been entrusted with a key role in assisting BYD Auto Co., Ltd., a prominent player in the automotive industry, in its quest to enter a new international market. The chosen region for analysis is the emerging Electric Vehicle (EV) markets in Asia. The EV market in Asia has witnessed substantial growth, driven by factors such as increasing environmental awareness, government incentives, and technological advancements. Countries like India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam present promising opportunities for BYD Auto to extend its footprint. This report aims to guide BYD Auto in identifying the most suitable country within this region and formulating a comprehensive international marketing strategy for successful market entry in 2023. The subsequent sections will focus on the market screening process, country ranking criteria, and a detailed analysis of the chosen target market's segments, consumer behavior, and competitive landscape. Through this strategic initiative, BYD Auto aims to navigate the unique challenges and capitalize on the EV market in Asia, contributing to its global expansion objectives. Additionally, the Diffusion of Innovation theory, consisting of five stages: Innovators, Early Adopters, Early Majority, Late Majority, and Laggards can be used in this analysis (Faisal & Idris, 2020). In the context of BYD Auto's expansion, the introduction of electric vehicles represents an innovation in the automotive industry. The theory can be applied to understand the varying rates of EV adoption across different countries and regions within the chosen market of Asia. Understanding where the market stands in terms of innovation adoption can guide the company in adjusting communication, pricing, and distribution strategies to effectively reach and persuade the diverse segments within the Asian market.

Rough Market Screening

In the initial phase of international market analysis, rough market screening is conducted to efficiently narrow down potential target markets. This preliminary assessment aims to identify countries or regions that align with the company's objectives while filtering out those presenting significant barriers to entry. The APM model, proposed by Lee and Carter (2012), serves as a strategic framework for rough market screening. It emphasizes three crucial dimensions in evaluating potential markets.

Accessibility: Within the sector of accessibility, the focus lies on examining existing infrastructure and the regulatory environment. This involves assessing the ease of market entry based on the availability of necessary resources and supportive government policies.

Profitability: Profitability is gauged through an evaluation of consumer affordability and the competitive landscape. Understanding the purchasing power of the target market and the strength of existing competitors provides insights into the potential for profit.

Market Size: Market size considerations encompass understanding Electric Vehicle (EV) adoption rates and broader economic indicators. This involves assessing the current and projected demand for EVs in the market and considering factors such as GDP and disposable income.

The APM model provides a structured and systematic approach to rough screening, enabling companies to identify markets that are accessible, offer profitability potential, and boast a significant market size. Following this preliminary screening, a more detailed analysis, such as the 'Market Ranking Process,' can be undertaken to pinpoint the most suitable target market for further exploration and strategy development. In the initial phase of the rough market screening, India, Indonesia, and Thailand emerge as potential candidates for BYD Auto's expansion into the emerging Electric Vehicle (EV) markets in Asia.

Accessibility: India showcases significant strides in EV infrastructure, marked by a notable increase in charging stations (Thananusak, et al., 2020). The regulatory environment is evolving, with supportive policies enhancing the accessibility of the market. Indonesia, while witnessing an emerging EV infrastructure, reflects a moderate level of accessibility. The regulatory support in Indonesia is increasing, contributing to the market's accessibility. Thailand demonstrates commendable progress in EV infrastructure, coupled with a positive regulatory environment, making it accessible for BYD Auto's entry.

Profitability: India displays rising consumer affordability, indicating a potential for profitability. Despite existing competition, the sheer market size offers significant opportunities for profit. In Indonesia, improving consumer affordability contributes to profitability potential, and the competitive landscape is evolving, providing opportunities for BYD Auto (Collett et al., 2020). Thailand sees an uptick in consumer affordability, and the favorable competitive landscape augurs well for potential profitability.

Market Size: India showcases a growing trend in EV adoption, with its large population contributing to a substantial market size (Patyal, Kumar & Kushwah, 2021). The market potential in India is considerable, making it an attractive prospect for BYD Auto. Indonesia, with its sizable population, presents a gradually growing interest in EVs, contributing to a substantial market size. The market potential in Indonesia is promising for BYD Auto's expansion. Thailand exhibits a growing interest in EVs, and its market size is noteworthy for potential growth. The considerable market potential in Thailand

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