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Intergrated Marketing. Fortune Supermarket. Business & Marketing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Over the twenty years that I have taught graduate marketing, I have encountered several course titles. While "Marketing" is the simplest, the most descriptive and meaningful title I have encountered was "Marketing Integration". To me, understanding how marketing integrates with the other important functions of the enterprise is the key difference between graduate and undergraduate marketing. My advice to my clients has always been that a marketing plan should not be necessary because marketing should be so thoroughly infused into the business plan that no separate document would be needed. This is of course a radical notion that can rarely be implemented because of resistance to change, but I do believe it to be true and it has worked for companies I have either led or consulted.

Your assignment is not to necessarily agree with the concept described above, but to determine for yourself the importance of integrating marketing with the rest of the enterprise. Identify the company you do business with (retail or other type) that you believe has the best "marketing". In an introductory paragraph, describe why you believe that company to be the best. In the remainder of the assignment identify how what you value is connected to other functions within the enterprise. Functions that might be discussed are manufacturing, quality control, engineering, finance, human resources, research and development, or any other function you believe to be relevant.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Integrated Marketing
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Integrated Marketing: Fortune Supermarket
Fortune supermarket is one of the leading supermarket chains in the country. For a long time, it has been my premier shopping destination and that of other customers. The supermarket has been able to maintain and expand its customer base through effective marketing strategies that are geared towards meeting the needs of the customers. The company has thrived from using the available technologies and customizing their marketing messages to reflect the customer trends.
Most importantly, the company has ensured that different classes of customers can find whatever they need within their stores. Additionally, making products easier to access for the customers through their mortar and online stores has also served to enhance their standing within the community. What I value most in Fortune supermarket is their differentiated products and offers.
Departments that are Important to the Marketing Function
The Human Resource Department
For the marketing function to be able to achieve the level of differentiation needed, the human resources department must ensure that it stays ahead of the recruitment process and only select people that are good for the job. Additionally, the department is also responsible for ensuring that the employees undergo continuous development to enhance their capability and performance so that they stay fit to achieve the functions. The department has the responsibility of ensuring that there is always a consistent flow of new product ideas and that the sales targets are met.
Research and Development Department
In today’s business environment, many companies invest in research and development, and they provided for it in their annual budget (Ernst, Hoyer & Rübsaamen, 2010). The management of the supermarket understands that it is only through research and development that they can uncover new ways of beating the competition and remaining competitive. Annually, the company invests in research and development to ensure that they can come up with innovative price packages that can meet the needs of the customers. On most occasions, they would need a large capital outlay to study and understand the trends in the market so that they can anticipate the packages they might want going into the future. On most occasions, this has worked relatively well for the supermarket as they have been able to know what their customers need even before they ask for it.

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