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Intellectual Standards: Accuracy as a Universal Standard

Essay Instructions:

For our assignment this week, examine the Universal Intellectual Standards as described in our readings. Select one of these standards, and describe how using that standard has helped you in your:
Work life 
School life 
Personal life 
Your essay should consist of five paragraphs, and should follow the format below:
In your first paragraph, write a detailed description of the standard you have selected and why you selected it.
Then, in a paragraph each, describe how that standard has helped you in your work life, in your school life, and in your personal life. Each paragraph should contain at least one example.
Finally, in your concluding paragraph, discuss the ways you can continue to improve upon this standard moving forward.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Accuracy as a universal standard
Universal intellectual standards are critical thinking models that must be incorporated in evaluating one's thought process. Thinking critically requires an individual to ask questions that apply to the standards and that ensure better reasoning in thinking. One of the standards is accuracy. Accuracy enables one to think or present information in the best way possible. It calls for using the most reliable and well-established information. Accuracy in critical thinking is important as it helps one avoid distorting information more so if they have vested interest or if the information is threatening to them. The ability to separate facts from non-facts, through a healthy skepticism, before consuming a piece of information is what makes a good thinker
Accuracy and work life
Accuracy standard helps in making decisions that need to be factual and presented as they are. It ensures the information given is accurate, verifiable and can be proven in case a dispute is raised (Nosich, 2012). At work accuracy has enabled me to be able to cross-check and verify client information before initiating a transactions. It has also enabled me to act on only information that is accurate and not just clear. Furthermore, I have been able to accommodate diverging views, opposing views, and multiple ideas. For example, have become keener with imprest claims from colleagues who I demand to leave a trail of documents to aid in crosschecking imprest claim.
Accuracy and school life
In school, one is exposed to a plethora of information, blindingly consuming this information would be harmful to the learning process as both accurate and inaccurate information would be digested. Accuracy standard has helped question the legitimacy of the information received from unreliable quarters...
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