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Instructional Objectives, Assessment Plan, and Conducting Evaluation

Essay Instructions:

Week 6 Assignment - Instructional Objectives, Assessment, and Evaluation


In the Needs Analysis assignment, you developed the needs analysis, identified learner characteristics, and outlined the contextual, job (if appropriate) and task analyses. Building on this, you will create learning objectives for the content. You will also create an assessment to measure the effectiveness of the learning objectives, and an evaluation plan to measure the impact of the course on the performance/knowledge gap.


Write a 3–5 page paper in which you:

Create a minimum of three instructional objectives based on the needs analysis.

Include one objective from each of the following domains for the identified need: cognitive, behavioral, and affective.

Create an assessment plan that clearly correlates to the three learning objectives.

Specify the measures that best evaluate each objective.

Prepare a constructed-response test or performance assessment that correlates with the learning objectives.

Design the test items or performance tasks to measure the apply and analyze levels of Bloom’s taxonomy.

Describe how you would conduct formative, summative, and confirmative evaluations for your project.

Create an example of a confirmative evaluation tool for your project.

Develop five questions that could be asked of trainees six months after the training that would assess training effectiveness.

Use two sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Instructional Objectives, Assessment, and Evaluation
Student Name
Institutional affiliation
Course name and number
Due date
Instructional Objectives, Assessment, and Evaluation
Instructional Objectives
The needs analysis presented an analysis of business owners who want to launch an ecommerce platform. The following instructional objectives will direct the training:
* By the end of the course the business owner will be able to develop ecommerce platform concepts and designs.
* The business owner will be able to follow the ecommerce platform development process successfully.
* The business owner will have a finalized, functioning, and launched ecommerce platform.
Overall, the training will aim at introducing, advancing, and finally implementing the e-commerce project. The goals will be to help the business owners develop technological aspects, learn business and marketing strategies, and learn how to source talent. Moreover, they will gain skills to launch, grow, and scale their brand successfully. To achieve these goals, e-commerce learners should have a marketing diploma and proficient computer and internet skills.
Include one objective from each of the following domains for the identified need: cognitive, behavioral, and affective.
Assessment Plan
The course will have three types of assessment that include summative, formative, and confirmative assessments.
Objective 1 Assessments (Cognitive Assessments)
* Week 1 – Formative assessment on a theoretical presentation of five PowerPoint slides on how e-commerce platforms work. (5% score)
* Week 2 –Formative assessment as the learner creates ecommerce sketches and wireframe of their user interface using Moodle. The work will be presented in 10 PowerPoint slides. (10% score)
* Week 3 – Formative assessment using Moodle to develop their user interfaces and submenus in mockup and prototype. Similarly, the work will be presented in 10 PowerPoint slides. (10% score)
Objective 2 Assessments (Cognitive and Effective Assessments)
* Week 4 – Formative assessment with the student carrying out 50 user questionnaires on their product usability. (10% score)
* Month 2 – Formative assessment with student having a developed ecommerce platform. Summative 25 question test on the different ecommerce development pipelines. (25% score)
Object 3 Assessments (Psychomotor Assessments)
* Month 3 – Formative test assessing the students fully optimized and user-friendly eco...
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