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Three Traits Contributing to a Person's Success

Essay Instructions:

Looking at the attachment, this reflection is the follow up of the last order proposal.

\our proposai snouia ronovv me general rormaiung guiaennes ouuinea in me synaDus ana win De suDmuiea via Blackboard. It should include the following:

1. The field you are interested in learning more about.
2. The name and title of your top-choice interviewee.
3. A short summary of why you have chosen this individual to interview (i.e., What do you hope to learn from them? Why are they uniquely situated to provide you with more information on your field of interest?)
4. The names and titles of two back-up interviewees (in case your top-choice interviewee is unavailable or unresponsive, you can reach out to one of these individuals).
5. A sample outreach email to your top-choice interviewee. A sample email can be found on Blackboard in the Informational Interview Assignment folder.
6. A list of 5 questions you plan to ask during your informational interview. Make these questions unique to the individual.BADM 1002
FIRST YEAR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMGWBusinessYou should not send your email yet. After receiving feedback on your proposal, you should make the recommended changes before contacting your interviewee in the next step. If you need additional guidance, please reach out to your Instructor and/or Mentor as soon as possible.
Send approved introductory email to your top-choice interviewee. If they agree, schedule a time and place for your interview. When scheduling, you should defer to the time and place that is most convenient to your interviewee. You should meet in person if possible. If the individual is not available to meet in person, you may schedule a meeting via phone, Skype, Google Hangout, etc. (whatever works best for your interviewee).Part 2 - Interview and Reflection Prepare for your interview!
You should practice conducting your “elevator pitch” as a way of succinctly describing your background and interest in learning more about this field. Additionally, make sure you have some background information on your interviewee. This will allow you to ask more pointed questions. It is better if you conduct the interview in a conversational style rather than purely question and answer style; be sure to listen to what they are saying so you can respond accordingly. Try not to conduct a rigid interview. Let your personality show! It is also a good idea to take notes either during the interview or directly after so that you can remember their answers for your reflection.
After the interview, send a thank you note to the individual you met with. Your thank you (either via email or hand-written and mailed) should be sent no longer than 24 hours after your interview. It is best to send the thank you immediately after. It is a good idea to ask your interviewee if they are willing to connect on Linkedln and if they agree, be sure to write a personal message when you send the request - do not use the generic message!
After conducting your interview, you will write a 2-page reflection paper to submit on Blackboard. You should summarize the information you acquired about your field of interest and interviewee, and discuss the lessons you learned about the informational interview process.
Guiding questions to consider (it is not required to answer each one):
1. Describe your interviewee’s current position (i.e., what are their job responsibilities? what do their day-to-day tasks look like?)
2. Describe your interviewee’s background and experience in the field (i.e., what steps did they take to get to where they are today? What challenges did they face? How did they overcome them?)
3. What skills/experience/characteristics are valuable for an individual who would like to enter this field?
4. What stood out to you about the process and significance of informational interviews?
5. What did you learn about professional communication (written, verbal, non-verbal) through conducting your informational interview?
6. You may also include anything else that was significant about your informational interview experience.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Informational Interview Reflection
Your Name
Conducting interviews with professionals who have an in-depth experience of the particular field that you want to learn about is one of the most useful tools in learning. It helps a student, who aspires to become successful in that field, to become aware of the things that are needed for success. Accordingly, the author of this paper, have tried to interview with one of the esteemed personalities when it comes to real estate investing, Daniel Huertas, who is the CEO of Washington Capital Partners. Huertas’ success has been due to his ingenuity of investing in the real estate and development market, during the housing crisis of the past decade. During the interview, several questions from his life, to his career, as well as to him about the field have been asked by the interviewer. In the following section, these traits would then be laid out and discussed. All in all, the author believes that through the analysis of the life of those who have already succeeded in the field, students and aspiring personalities could get a ‘jump start’ at boosting their careers.
During the interview, the first thing that the author asked was about the life and the work of Daniel Huertas. As stated earlier, the CEO came from a humble beginning and worked his way to the top, through grit and determination. Notably, he started his career by working on residential lending space where he acted as an originator for different real estate contracts. He said that as one who was only beginning his career during those times, he faced several difficulties from all facets of the trade from “finding clients, to dealing, and even to underwriting the clients.” Mainly, as one who is in charge of facing the clients directly, a combination of all the good qualities needed is essential for the lack of one could quickly turn a deal into stone and even affect the succeeding arrangements that the negotiator tries to get.
Upon asking about these good qualities, Huertas replied that anyone who is only starting in the real-estate business must have the determination, passion, and patience in the field and not merely in the money. He noted that these three are equally important, especially during a perso...
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