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Information Technology

Essay Instructions:

NB: This is just one example structure but you are FREE TO USE YOUR OWN.  


Introduction: (10%)

Refer to the statement your essay is designed to explore "Why is it important for business to address information technology as an assemblage?" - tell us how you plan on doing that, and why this is an important question to ask.


Main body: (80%)

Introduce your theory - what is Actor Network Theory (A.N.T), define key terms and give reasons why it is suitable for studying information technology and information systems.


Objective: Evaluate how Information Technology can be seen as an assemblage.


Story 1 - identify your actants, and categorise their scale, i.e. digital, software, hardware, human, cultural, structural

Story 1 - describe how some of these actants are acting on each other (the push/pull of actants)

Story 1 - what aspects of your analysis indicates an assemblage is taking place?


Story 2 - identify your actants, and categorise their scale, i.e. digital, software, hardware, human, cultural, structural

Story 2 - describe how some of these actants are acting on each other (the push/pull of actants)

Story 2 - what aspects of your analysis indicates an assemblage is taking place?


Objective: Identify how the information technology assemblage can enhance the transmission, storage and retrieval of information. Use business case studies to illustrate your argument.


Consider the IT object/system being discussed in your news story:


Story 1 - what actants are involved in enhancing transmission of information? How?

Story 1 - what actants are involved in enhancing storage of information? How?

Story 1 - what actants are involved in enhancing retrieval of information? How?

Story 1 - Has this object/system (or similar) been used to enhance management in other businesses - research the effects for that business?  


Story 2 - what actants are involved in enhancing transmission of information? How?

Story 2 - what actants are involved in enhancing storage of information? How?

Story 2 - what actants are involved in enhancing retrieval of information? How?

Story 2 - Has this object/system (or similar) been used to enhance management in other businesses - research the effects for that business?


Objective: Critically analyse the issues/questions these actions raise for business. Do this by comparing and contrasting the viewpoints of relevant theorists and critics.


Each week we will look at yet another author, and what they consider the "big issues" of information technology - use these as much as possible to create debate and counter-debate.


Conclusion: (10%)

Refer back to the statement your essay is designed to explore "Why is it important for business to address information technology as an assemblage?". Did you answer the question? Was A.N.T. an appropriate theory to use for your analysis? Did you complete the challenge you set in your introduction?



Harvard referenced list of all sources cited in your essay (including the stories you used, case studies cited, and where you obtained quotes and ideas from other authors)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Information Technology
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Information Technology
Information technology is an elusive asset in business organizations. This is affirmed by the fact that IT is regarded as assemblage that endeavors in gathering or collecting people or things together. In regard to this, the question is addressed by focusing on the benefits of IT as an assemblage since all the activities in business originations are networked together. For instance, IT is used in processing staffs invoices, hosting of business forum, to coordinate or supervise business activities, enhances globalization, stakeholders integration among others.
Issues/Topics to Explore
Exploring on this issue, the paper focuses on the implementation of IT as an assemblage in different business organizations, the benefits realized from such a system. In fact, the paper is specific such that it examines the use of IT in the transmission, storage and retrieval of information in a company or a business organization set up.
The paper also examines different theories that focuses on IT as an as semblance. This is aimed at examining whether IT as an as semblance has a significant is escalating the operations of the business or it does not. This will be focused on the specific business organizations such as banking.
Information Technology as an Assemblage
The Actor-Network Theory of concern in this case is that of Thierry Bardini. The theory sets some negations that describe the progressive constitution of a network whereby both non-human and human actors are given identity according to the interaction and prevailing strategies (Lindgren & Andersson, 2010). The key terms in this theory include; qualities, actors identities human and non-human actors. This theory is important in the study of IT assemblage since it endeavors in analyzing the following; “both actors and octant’s share the scene in the reconstruction of the network of interactions leading to the stabilization of the system. But the crucial difference between them is that only actors are able to put actants in circulation in the system (Hossein, 2013).”
There is enormous application in business set up that makes it appear as assemblage. This is affirmed by the fact that most companies across the world relies on information technology in their business operations. For example, most business organizations rely on IT for faster and effective communication, market intelligence and not forgetting retrieval and processing of data (Borås, n.d). Therefore IT plays an integral role in the industry since it helps companies in improving their business processes, maintaining a competitive advantage in the market, escalating revenue growth, and achieving cost efficiency approaches and strategies (Borås, n.d).
IT can be viewed as an assemblage since it enhances stakeholders’ integration. IT has enhanced results pertaining business performance interms of logistics to be accessible by all the stakeholders in a 24/7 interconnectivity. Customers can receive their services while they are miles away. Additionally, business organizations such as companies can make use of investor’s relations websites to communicate with research analysts, shareholders and not forgetting other market participants (Basu & Media, n.d). IT can be viewed as an assemblage since it has enhanced process improvement. This is achieved through Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system that enhances managers to review operating metrics such as costs in a software platform (Basu & Media, n.d). Evidently, ERP system has replaced human resource, finance system and other functional areas thus making the internal operations in business organization cost-effective and more efficient.
IT has also enhanced companies and business organizations in globalization. Realistically, for companies to survive in a strict competitive environment, they should possess properties such as; financial and operational flexibility (Borås, n.d). This has great impact on the organization since it enhances it to grow not only local but also internationally. IT has a core operational models that underscores outsourcing and telecommuting (Borås, n.d). A company using network technology can outsource some noncore functions including finance and human resource. In return, this enables it in utilizing network technologies that enhances it to remain in contact with its overseas suppliers, customers, employees (Borås, n.d).
Transmission, Storage and Retrieval of Information
Information Technology as an assemblage plays an essential role in the transmission, storage and retrieval of information. To analyze this concept a typical bank is taken as an example. In any typical bank set up information regarding all the stakeholders is stored in databases. The data bases in this case are organized in a way such that it is easy to retrieve data when required. The database is such that it has specific locations for staffs ...
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