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Industry Analysis Opportunity & Threat: Marketing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Please use the attached file to do an industry analysis for opportunity and threat. This is an on going project for this class. Please write on each subtitle under paragraph D and E. Please use APA with the 7th edition. I need five references. The suspense is short, but I am behind the power curve on this assignment. Please forgive me for not paying attention, because it is really costing me this class. Thanks for your support.

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Industry Analysis
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D. Opportunities in the industry.
1. Serving additional customer groups/expanding into new markets
Entering new markets to (1) increase sales, (2) strengthen brand name, (3) more access to talented workers, and (4) higher rates of foreign investments (van Rossum, 2017). An organization that operates in new local or foreign territories reach more consumers, thus increasing sales and profitability. It gives a competitive edge over rival companies since serving additional groups, which also strengthens the branding of the organization, and increases awareness and popularity. An organization can have access to more talented people since there is a larger pool of employees to choose from. Lastly, expansion to foreign territories gives an organization access to other raw materials that are costly to import in the main branch (van Rossum, 2017).
2. Expanding the product line
The expansion of the product line is making several new versions of an existing product (Thompson, 2020). For instance, the product Coca-Cola introduced a cherry flavor or coke zero in their product line. In the expansion of the product line, the organization boosts market share by increasing the number of groups of people that the product can reach. The organization caters to the needs of new markets that were initially reluctant in buying the product. For example, the original flavor of coke is not bought by people that are conscious of their calorie intake. But when they introduced Coke Zero, the people that are reluctant to buy tried the product because of its zero-calorie content.
3. Integrating forward or backward
In forward integration, the organization merges with the distributor or the retailer of their product, while in backward integration, the distributor combines with their supplier (Dili, 2017). In both forward and backward integration, the whole supply chain can eliminate the transaction and transportation cost that increases the price of the product. As a result, the operation can be more cost-effective, and the product can be sold cheaper (Dili, 2017). The purpose of the forward integration is to gain access to a larger market share of the products, while the backward integration aims to produce better quality products more efficiently (Dili, 2017).
4. Complacency among rival firms
Complacency happens when the company became satisfied with their current business model and does not seek to improve to be more attractive to customers (Swyers, 2020). The company becomes too lax about its ability to sell products that they do not consider the possibility that other companies are always trying to improve themselves. When other companies become complacent, it is a signal for a progressive company to do better and outdo those who stopped in improving themselves. There is no such thing as a perfect product, so there is always room for improvement (Swyers, 2020).
5. Strong increase in market demand
When creating a product, the consumers will patronize it if solve their problems. If a company sells a solution, it will get higher demands for the product (Aboulhosn, 2020). Increasing demand means more opportunity to sell products to a greater number of people. Additionally, the increased demands can potentially increase the prices of the products as long as the supply remains unchanged. If the company has the majority in the market share of a product that has high demand, they can generate more profit compared to the competition. Thus, companies create demand generation campaigns for their products to increase in market share (Aboulhosn, 2020).
6. Favorable demographic, social, cultural, technological trends
When dealing with favorable demographics, the organization can study the general characteristics of the population to create a product that can satisfy their needs (Thibodeaux, 2019). From a product development viewpoint, the customer will buy a product that best fits their interest. So, studying demographics also help in finding the ideal consumer for the ideal product. For example, if the people in a demographic are young and busy, the company can create products that will give more convenience, which requires only a little amount of effort to use, so that it could fit their lifestyle (Thibodeaux, 2019).
E. Threats in the industry.
1. Entry of lower-cost foreign competitors
The lower-cost competition produces good enough products for the consumers and selling them using a cost-effective model that eliminates other cost generating services (Berman, 2014). The low-cost competitors often maximize the use of technological innovation, globalization, and outsourcing to compete in the market while maintaining lower labor cost (Berman, 2014). For instance, in a foreign drop shipping company, even though the company does not have its warehouse or mode of transportation, all the stocks are handled by a third party and delivered by another party to streamline the supply chain. The supply chain can even be handled by outsourced agents from another country.
2. Risin...
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