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Importance of Values in Media and Marketing

Essay Instructions:

one page reflection.

Prompt: For this post, your “final reflection” should include approximately 2-3 paragraphs. In your post, reflect on the “value” you have received in this course. What elements will be especially helpful as you move forward in your career in media or marketing? What topics will you try and learn more about?

You should also reflect on whether or not you believe that “value” is an appropriate or accurate way to plan and evaluate social media campaigns. Do you believe that Berger is correct that value judgments shape an individual’s engagement on a platform?

Be sure to ground your ideas in the readings and materials from throughout the semester. 


Read Contagious, “Practice Value” & “Stories” (pgs. 155-201).

 Read Likeable Social Media, “Consistently Deliver Excitement, Surprise, and Delight,” (pgs. 221-231). It’s the little things, and the big things, that matter. Remember, it’s high-tech and high-touch 

Optional to be addressed:

Hemley, D. (2014). How to Design a Social Media Campaign. Social Media Examiner. https://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/social-media-campaign-elements/

Hubspot. (n.d.). How to Monitor social media in 10 Minutes a Day. https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/file-2321319114-pdf/How_To_Monitor_Social_Media_In_10_Minutes_A_Day.pdf

Libert, K. & Tynski, K. (2013). Research: The Emotions that Make Marketing Campaigns Go Viral. Harvard Business Review. https://hbr.org/2013/10/research-the-emotions-that-make-marketing-campaigns-go-viral?

Newberry, C. & Sehl, K. (2021). How to Use Instagram for Business: A Practical Step-by-Step Guide. Hootsuite. https://blog.hootsuite.com/how-to-use-instagram-for-business/

Newberry, C. (2022). How to Create a Social Media Calendar for 2022 (Tips and Templates). Hootsuite. https://blog.hootsuite.com/how-to-create-a-social-media-content-calendar/

O’Connor, M.E. (2018). How To Set SMART Social Media Marketing Goals For Your Business. https://marieennisoconnor.medium.com/how-to-set-smart-social-media-marketing-goals-for-2018-862d1002a172

Schroder, C. (2021). The Importance of Social Proof for Brand Growth. Latana. https://latana.com/post/importance-of-social-proof/

Shetty, N. (2021). The Importance of Digital Currencies in the Coming Open-Finance Age. Business 2 Community. https://www.business2community.com/finance/the-importance-of-digital-currencies-in-the-coming-open-finance-age-02428288

Ward, A. (2019). 10 Metrics to Track When Analyzing Your Social Media Marketing. Social Media Examiner. https://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/10-metrics-to-track-analyzing-social-media-marketing/

Walden, S. (2014). Social Media, Marketing and PR: Who's Responsible for What? Mashable. https://mashable.com/archive/social-media-marketing-responsibilities#EhWyxzkvhiqX

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Values matter in all aspects of life; thus, one should always live with values. The career one pursues values too. Several values may be gained from the course, but the values of honesty and transparency thrived. In today’s world, where everything is discoverable, it is better to remain honest and transparent. Honesty and transparency foster a direct and healthy relationship with other people, and once these values are challenged, they can easily break the established trust (Kerpen, 2011). Therefore, one must possess the values of honesty and transparency. There are several insights and learning from the course, yet, there is also an area for improvement. Setting goals has been challenging; however, setting SMART goals has been even more challenging. Goal setting is essential because it establishes the path, objective, and vision. Goal setting is the first step toward success (O’Connor, 2018). Thus, one should try harder to create SMART goals.
It is a smart option to use values to plan and evaluate social media campaigns. When creating social media ca...
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