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The Importance of Hybrid Teamwork

Essay Instructions:

1.Discuss the key factors that contribute to an effective team
2.Identify and analyse two or three key reasons why teamwork may in some instances be more effective but can also be more challenging in a hybrid work environment
3.Suggest steps managers could take to take advantage of the opportunities or address the identified challenges

The rest of the requirements, I will submit in the document.
The title of the article is not determined, the teacher can determine it according to the article.
I will provide a sample essay reference writing standard.(Avoid plagiarism and duplicate checking

More than 10 references must be used, 5 of which are selected from the references I provided, and the rest can be found by the teacher or can be provided by using my materials. If the teacher needs to find references, it must be an academic article.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

An effective team is a driving force behind productivity in an organizational setup. It improves efficiency and spurs the organization's growth to even greater heights. The catch often comes in harnessing the benefits of an effective team and a hybrid working model. Merging the two into a functional unit is usually a challenging exercise and is often the difference between success and failure in executing duties. It is crucial how team members treat one another when it comes to separating a strong team from a dysfunctional one. For a hybrid model to be embraced, there is a need to be thorough on the basics that make the team effective, from the team selection to the specific factors that fuel its efficiency. A manager needs to look through any deficiencies that might result and work to exploit them in the overall team productivity. This paper will analyze the factors that help build effective teams, how they merge with a hybrid working model and recommend ways that managers can exploit the challenges between the two.
Factors that contribute to an effective team
Communication, diversity, trust, focus, and observance of rules are the factors that make the team effective. According to Peralta, Lourenço, Lopes, Baptista & Pais (2018), communication is the only channel to clear issues in a team setup. For example, communication ensures that there is openness within the group. When team members can openly share their views and feelings without fear, that creates an air of transparency since members can easily talk to each other when they have issues or matters. This prevents a buildup of internal frustrations amongst members, which might be detrimental to the team's effectiveness (Peralta, Lourenço, Lopes, Baptista & Pais, 2018). Communication acts as the lubricant that keeps the team running. An effective team is built upon trust amongst the members of the team. Trust is the ability to believe in someone else, that they will get something done. Trust places some degree of expectation on each member. Teams thrive on the delegation of duties (Sanderson & Lepkowsky, 2014). Members share the responsibilities to be done, and each one is expected to carry out assigned tasks to satisfaction and completion. It is only through trusting each other that such goals and objectives can be achieved. Members will also feel more determined to execute their duties well once they realize that their teammates trust them. An effective team is focused on the objectives that are to be achieved. They work based on specific rules to achieve their goals. Rules are sets of principles and policies that govern team members towards achieving specific goals and objectives (Deering, 2022). Rules are driving forces that influence social norms in the company that influence teammates' work performance. Effective teams are usually focused on the ultimate goal. It prevents the members from engaging in sideshows that might become detrimental to the group's progress. By focusing on the ultimate goal, a team eventually performs to the desired levels. A diverse team is a great team and an effective one at that. Diversity means that each member brings different perceptions, insights, and experiences to the team (Hoegl & Parboteeah, 2007). This helps the team have several ways to reach a solution or solve particular challenges that they face (Jankelová, Joniaková & Mišún, 2021). It is also an essential building block in creating bonds between the team members, as they learn about each other and get closer as a unit. The ideas brought to the table can also be crucial in making it a memorable experience. Rules keep the team members disciplined. According to House (2019), rules help members understand the team's expectations and punishment when they violate the set rules. Rules act as the radar for the team, giving direction and ensuring that the team stays on the right track. The team lives and expands according to the rules and procedures that bind its members in the working process. Setting and observing rules create discipline in the team's organizational approach. Rules set members' norms and behavior that help them focus on goals and objectives. Furthermore, rules help create a cooperative environment that is good for the team to flourish. Without the rules, the team will lack the means to keep functioning, leading to reduced performance or failure.
Two or three key reasons why teamwork may, in some instances, be more effective but can also be more challenging in a hybrid work environment.
A hybrid work environment enables employees to have the flexibility to carry out their duties to the extent that they can combine both in-office and out-of-office practices (Hwang, 2018). In such a model, employees are given the freedom to work remotely, as long as they work to their strengths and deliver as per organizational requirements. When the Covid 19 pandemic affected the globe and workplaces, a hybrid model became even more effective since it allows employees to work from anywhere, including in the comfort of their homes.
Teamwork may be effective in a hybrid work environment since it will capture the factors that make the team effective. For instance, by delegating duties and trusting each team member, a group can enjoy the efficient execution of tasks as each member will know exactly what they are supposed to do. As a result, even without supervision and working virtually, teamwork will still be realized and effective (Žiberna, 2021). Ensuring that this is the case means that the team's formation captured individuals who had a belief in the abilities of each other, rather than just a coming together of individuals.
Secondly, teamwork may be effective in a hybrid environment because of the flexibility it gives the members. As initially noted, the essence of a hybrid work environment is to align employees with their strengths when carrying out their duties and responsibilities (Ryan, 2017). On the other hand, teamwork gets its effectiveness from the ability of each member to work on their assigned portion to completion and the satisfactory levels required.
In hindsight, however, hybrid working models might be problematic for teamwork since it presents a challenge that teams might not have been prepared for; isolation. Teams work better when in constant contact or interaction (Žiberna, 2021). Even if the work to be done might be completed through virtual teams, there is always a benefit of physical interactions (Rapp & Rapp, 2021). With there being no such thing, it becomes quite challenging to have a scenario where there are conflicts based on the notion o...
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