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IBUS 3001 Germany’s Economy: A Prosperity Hallucination

Essay Instructions:

This discussion board is for the second "round" of the IB in the News Project! Please post your analysis here by starting a new thread! (Each original post should be its own thread!) Don't forget to provide a link to your article!
In terms of content, please focus on the topics we have covered in the second half of the semester!
Please read the directions in the syllabus carefully as to the purpose of this task in terms of integrating course content and frameworks. As per the syllabus, your post should be 1-2 paragraphs. There is no specific word limit, but the best posts are usually concise and to the point. I recommend no less than 300 words, but no more than 500.
Here are some tips but please make sure you refer to the syllabus and the grading rubric prior to posting:
Titles: Give your post a catchy title. For instance, if we studied Starbucks: “How Starbucks got its mojo back” and “The proof is in the bean.” Do not title it something bland like "Starbucks – John Smith." We already know it's by you!
Examples of weak posts: purely "anecdotal" posts; simply agreeing without any further discussion; saying "they should do this" but not providing recommendations on HOW or WHY or who "they" are; poor formatting and misspellings; generic posts that don't reference other students' posts.
The winning formula is a well‐written post, which is insightful and analytical, and which draws linkages between course readings and current events!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Germany’s Economy: “A Prosperity Hallucination”
Student’s Name
Germany’s Economy: “A Prosperity Hallucination”
In an interview with the Economist, the leader of Free Democrats (FDP), one of the political parties in Germany, described the country’s economy as “a prosperity hallucination”. This phrase by Christian Lindner describes the culture of Germans where prosperity is not compatible with their values. One of the Hofstede’s dimensions of culture is uncertainty avoidance. This is the state of being worried or uneasy in regards to future happenings describe well the uncertainty avoidance by Hofstede. In this sense, Germany could be described as an uncertainty avoidant society given that its members are not as daring as in other societies. Members of an uncertainty avoidant society tend to be better at implementing rather that at innovating. The words of Lindner in the interview with the Economist show that in Germany, entrepreneurship is undervalued. It is important to recognize the significance of innovation in entrepreneurship. Innovation can be said to be a backbone of entrepreneurship. As mentioned, members of an uncertainty avoidant society score low on innovation despite being better implementers. It is for this reason that Lindner asserts that more daring societies are better than Germany because of undervaluing entrepreneurship. According to the FDP leader, Germany has the potential to be world leaders, but the members of the society have to “want it.” However, as described in the art...
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