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Non-Verbal Communication in Human Relations

Essay Instructions:

You are to write a 3 page paper (not including title and reference pages so a total of 5 pages) in proper APA 7th Editon format. For your paper, please take a look at the video and article presented in the lesson for Week 3 (I attached a link here also). Pay particular attention to the video and article, as you watch/read, take notes on some of the topics presented that interest you. This is a short paper, think of it as a warm-up for your longer paper due in Week 7.

Video: Non-Verbal Communication in the Global Marketplace (https://search-alexanderstreet-com(dot)ezproxy1(dot)apus(dot)edu/view/work/bibliographic_entity%7Cvideo_work%7C1795341)

Article: The Puzzle of Non-Verbal Communication (https://myclassroom(dot)apus(dot)edu/shared/commonfolder/management-common/Management/MGMT100/Non_Verbal_Article.pdf)

Requirements for this assignment:

Your paper should utilize appropriate course material:

Article and/or Video from Week 3

Ensure you address the following topics in your paper:

Pick three areas of interest from the article or video and discuss why you find it interesting, if you have seen any personal examples of it (i.e., someone who covers their mouth while talking).

This paper should be fun, I would suggest that you read/watch the materials as soon as possible and then start observing others around you for some non-verbal clues.

Remember your paper must include (all in proper APA 7th edition format):

Cover Page

Body (3 pages a minimum discussion of non-verbal areas of interest)

Reference Page

Make sure to use two additional resources from APUS online library or internet (Google Scholar is a great source)

Wikipedia, or similar sites are NOT acceptable sources for this paper

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Human Relations through Non-Verbal Communicaiton
For this paper, we are tasked to discuss three particular areas of interest about non verbal-communication from the topics in the article and video. From the video, I am greatly interested in how Gestures and Environment affect personal communication. From the Article, my attention was particularly piqued on the Emotions and Emotional Intelligence. These three topics of Gestures, Environment, and Emotion are the things that I will discuss in this paper. These three particularly interest me because these are things that will be important in my future career. By understanding these concepts, I would be able to become a better salesman or business person. (Bretsko, 2019) These things are important to be known especially when striking deals and landing offers that would greatly benefit my career. Being a business person involves a lot of trading and dealing in communication with other clients. Non-verbal communication should be well understood if I want to be a good conversationalist and communicator.
Non-verbal communication is important in our everyday lives, because it grants the context and the essence of our personality. These subtle things give a definition to our existence as it validates what we hear from what we see and feel. Communication happens in different layers. People have the innate capability to decipher meaning from contexts, symbols, and words, but in the level of the non verbal communication, something subtle and yet intense can happen without the use of words (Mokhtari, 2013). Expressions and gestures are particularly useful in conveying emotions. Aside from these, environment plays a big role in the value of information retentions and exchange of ideas and feelings. Some studies show that about 93% of the impact from a verbal message is in the non verbal expression of the speaker. Some non-verbal cues happen unconsciously. Mastering the impact and power of non-verbal communication can increase one’s adaptability to social and professional situations where proper communication and good relationships are essential.
The first thing that I want to discuss is the Gestures. When a person is speaking, his or her gestures reveal much of their personality. Gestures provide a context of the person’s confidence and knowledge. I think that it is important to practice our gestures when speaking so that our message can be clearly expressed. It is also important to be aware of our own unconscious gestures so that we can refine how we project when we speak (Reddy & Dr. S. Krishnaiah, 2012). For myself, I need to be more aware of how I use my hands, because I tend to repetitively raise up my arms and create a parallel gesture with my hands when I want to convey something intensely. I might need to refine my movement so that listeners can focus better on my message. Gesture and body posture are greatly connected with each other. I have observed that I sometimes tend to stand with a bent spine and a slouching posture. Because of the film, I was able to understand how I can improve not just my communication skills but also my overall confidence.
The second thing that I found particularly interesting is the Emotional Intelligence and Emotion, as a related literature to non-verbal communication. People judge other ac...
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