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Week 2 Assignment Paper: Human Performance / Metrics

Essay Instructions:

Read Burkholder (Chapters 44 and 47) and Heneman (Chapters 1 and 3).
Research any outside source and select one article on one of the following topics: Measured Employee Development, Employee Development, Metric (measuring devices for human performance), The Shrinking Workforce, or Competency Modeling.
The subject matter of the article should correspond with the reading. The article should be research or peer reviewed articles. Do not use popular articles from Time, Newsweek, CNN, etc.
In your summary, discuss the article's main premise and evaluate the premise, concept or content based on real-life applications from your work experiences and the required reading for the week. Look for comparisons and contrasts. 
Submit your assignment as a Word document, 3-5 pages in length. The paper must have a cover sheet, a reference list and be written in APA style format (edition 6). There are samples of APA style written papers in the "Resources" section. As a reminder, plagiarism will not be accepted. if you have doubts about the paper's content or originality go to: www(dot)turnitin(dot)com

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Human Performance Metrics
Business & Marketing
Master Level
Name of Student:
Name of Lecturer:
Employees’ performance is essential in any business sector. Employers seek to realize high performance within their Companies. In achieving growth and increased income, employees must be involved. Talents and abilities of various employees must be properly inculcated and channeled to the right duty. It, therefore, calls for the employees’ personal development. It is contrary to note that many employers ignore this development. Most of them want to improve performance while not capitalizing on the staff development.
Companies that have realized the importance of the staff development have been reported to succeed. These Companies have identified the metrics in employees’ development that are vital to realizing success. On realizing such, they have gone steps further to take advantage of them and capitalize on their sustainable growth. In this study, aspects of the importance of the development of employees will be discussed. Besides, the measured development will be given a detailed study since it shows how important employee’s development is.
To realize improved performance within an organization or business sector, one needs to understand the necessary activities under consideration. At the center of focus lies the employees. They are the essential tools in the organization. Most of the projects in the Company are run by the. Besides, they are the people who make the vital rapport with the foreign people who may be interested in investing in the Company or acquiring its products. When they work diligently, the external bodies become attracted to the Business.
Treating employees with dignity gives a reward since they, in turn, give back. They may not give back directly. At times, even the realization of them recognizing it may not be expressed openly. However, that should not be a parameter of thinking they do not value the treatment given. Employees, therefore, determine the level of success of the business. An organization succeeds if employees have the relevant skills and resources necessary for growth (Noe, Wilk &Mullen, & et al., 2014). These skills can be identified at the onset during job recruitment and employment. However, some talents may be hidden, and the employer must utilize the employee to identify such through training and delegation of duties and responsibilities.
Some skills are inborn. However, others are acquired. The latter type calls for improvement and development in which the managers and employees both have a part to play. Many managers in various organizations strive to acquire talented employees. They commit their all to retain such employees once they get them. A little is, however, spent in developing and nurturing these employees. By ignoring employees’ development, the income of the business become stagnant and workers rendered waste (Brinsfield, 2013).
Staffing planning is as ...
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