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HRM 400 Discussion

Essay Instructions:
Answer the following two questions using the question and answer (Q&A) format; in other words, include the original question along with your response. What are some challenges leaders face when managing employee diversity in organizations? What are some potential solutions to those challenges?
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Diversity in the Workplace Name Institutional Affiliation Diversity in the Workplace Challenges leaders face when managing employee diversity in organizations The current growth in industrialization has made people from different regions around the world to come together for the sake of employment hence fostering cultural diversity. However, the managerial departments have in turn experienced lots of challenges in spearheading their leadership practices. Some of the difficulties arising from different cultural backgrounds include communication barriers leading to poor understandings, resistance to change in cases where new leaders are brought on board, sexism where new leaders are women, racism and age differences since many employees may tend to look down upon young leaders (Daft, 2007). As such, leaders have a duty to identify and curb such negative attitude and behaviors since they may affect the working relationship, decrease productivity and morale. Solutions to cultural diversity challenges By identifying the possible challenges that might hinder the company’s growth, leaders have an obligation to come up with tools that will promote cultural diversity. First, leaders have to understand that poor communication, sexism and racism may lead to a poor office relationship...
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