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507 Health Care Delivery System In The United States

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507 Health Care Delivery System In The United States

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Project Charter
Project Charter
General Project Information

Project Name

Project ID/Number

Rural Health Improvement Program

Date Prepared


Project Sponsor

North Dakota Healthcare Outreach Organization

Project Manager

Program Manager

Team Members

* Staff from The nOn-profit Organization
* IT experts
* Healthcare Providers in Minot
* Patients, who will participate in the pilot

Other Key Stakeholders

* North Dakota State Department of Health- Their interest will be to promote public health by increasing access to health care services.
* North Dakota Information Technology providers- Their interest will be to provide IT infrastructure and support to patients and healthcare providers in Minot.
* Patients and the overall population of Minot are the primary stakeholders because they stand to directly gain from this project.


Problem Statement

Every individual has a right to access healthcare services, yet people in rural areas are at a disadvantage. As a result, a health disparity exists, causing high mortality rates in rural areas than in urban areas (Greenwood-Ericksen, Tipirneni, & Abir, 2017). This calls for action to reduce the urban-rural gap in access to healthcare. In fact, Iglehart (2018) reveals that improving access to treatment of chronic diseases in rural areas will reduce this gap and reduce the mortality rates in rural areas.
The aim of this project is to increase access to healthcare services in rural Minot, North Dakota. To achieve this, a number of innovative approaches will be adopted and implemented in Minot. The first approach is the adoption of telehealth, which uses telecommunication technologies such as video conferencing and the internet, to increase patients’ access to healthcare (Bhatt & Bathija, 2018). Telehealth will also circumvent the challenge of long distance and transportation to hospitals. The second approach is mHealth, which involves the use of mobile devices to meet healthcare demands in rural areas where healthcare services are limited (Clarke, Bourn, Skoufalos, Beck, & Castillo, 2017). This approach will improve access to healthcare by facilitating timeliness through patient-provider communication, which will ultimately improve healthcare outcomes.

Project Goals and Objectives (Deliverables)

* Disease prevention- Rural areas experience barriers to preventative care (Greenwood-Ericksen, Tipirneni, & Abir, 2017).
* To improve the quality of life of people in rural Minot.
* Reduce mortality rate within the first three months of project implementation.


* This project will reduce the need for patients to travel to hospitals, which are usually far from t...
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