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Disadvantages of Teamwork and Group Work (HRUnitIII-1 of 2)

Essay Instructions:

What are the disadvantages of group work and teamwork? What should the other team members do when they uncover a social loafer? APA Guidelines are to be used for your in-text citations and sources.

UNIT III STUDY GUIDE Teamwork Skills, Problem Solving, and Decision Making

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:

1.    Identify several types of teams in organizations.

2.    Explain the advantages and disadvantages of teams.

3.    Identify various team member roles.

4.    Apply interpersonal-related and task-related tactics for effective team play.

5.    Differentiate between rational and political decision making.

6.    Explain the general approach to problem-solving groups.

7.    Describe how to increase the efficiency of group problem solving through e-mail and groupware.

8.    Identify several suggestions for being an effective meeting participant.

Written Lecture

Unit III presents self-assessment and skill-development exercises that will assist the student to develop teamwork skills. Being an effective team player is one of the most important sets of behaviors in the modern workplace.

The unit explains a team is a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, set of performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable. Types of teams are explored in this unit, to include self-managing work teams, cross-functional teams, virtual teams, and crews. The advantages and disadvantages of teams and teamwork are discussed. Teams, as well as groups in general, should not be regarded uncritically; they have both advantages and disadvantages.

A key potential problem is groupthink, a deterioration of mental efficiency, reality testing, and moral judgment in the interest of group solidarity. Groupthink is extreme consensus. Related to groupthink is the idea that groups often breed conformity in thinking and behavior. Two conditions are important for overcoming the potential disadvantages of teams and groups. First, the members must strive to act like a team. Second, the task given to the group should require collective effort instead of being a task that could be better performed by individuals.

A major challenge in becoming an effective team member is to choose the right roles to occupy. A role is a tendency to behave, contribute, and relate to others in a particular way. This unit explains the role theory developed by Meredith Belbin.

Interpersonal aspects of team play are explored in this unit. Effectiveness as a team player can be enhanced by understanding the skills, actions, and attitudes required to be an effective team player. A convenient method for classifying team activities in pursuit of goals is people-related versus task-related. Task aspects of team play also make a key contribution to becoming an effective team player. A task aspect usually has interpersonal consequences.

The unit presents practical information about group problem solving, thus enabling the student to contribute more effectively to group decision-making. Group problem solving requires considerable interpersonal skill. Groups solve m any key problems in organizations. Part of having high level interpersonal skills is the ability to work closely with others in solving problems and making decisions.

Rational versus political decision making in groups is explored. Group decisionmaking is the process of reaching a judgment based on feedback from more than on individual. Two different approaches to group decision-making are the rational model and the political model.

The unit looks at general problem-solving groups. Group decision making frequently leads to better acceptance of the decision and stronger commitment to the implications of the decision. The Group Problem-Solving Steps are outlined in this unit.

When the organization is seeking a large number of alternatives to the problem, brainstorming is often the technique of choice. Brainstorming is a group problem solving technique that promotes creativity by encouraging idea generation through non-critical discussion. Brainstorming is used both as a method for finding alternatives to real life problems and for creativity training. Eight rules for brainstorming are presented in this unit.

A leader sometimes needs to know what alternative solutions are available to a problem and how people would react to them. The nominal group technique (NGT) has been developed to fit the situation. The NGT is a group problem solving technique that calls people together in a structured meeting with limited interaction. Group discussion, however, does take place at a later stage in the process. The nominal group technique uses a six-step decision process is given in this unit.

The unit concludes with suggestions for being an effective meeting participant. Except for when using groupware, group problem-solving involves face-to-face meetings.

Learning Activities (Non-Graded)

For a review of the Key Terms of the unit, click here to access the interactive Unit III Flashcards in PowerPoint form. (Click here to access a PDF version.)

To further develop your understanding of the concepts presented in Unit III, it is suggested that you complete the Case Studies for Chapters 5 and 6, located on pages 108-109 and 127-128 of your textbook.

To further explore the interpersonal skills discussed in Unit III, it is suggested that you complete the Self-Assessment Quizzes on pages 90-91, 96-98, and 112 of your textbook.

These are non-graded activities, so you do not need to submit them.
and Development

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Disadvantages of Teamwork and Group Work
Author's Name
Teamwork and group work are viewed as positive concepts as they bring together a group of employees so as to benefit a business. Nonetheless, there are various disadvantages inherent in teamwork and group work. This paper elaborates on these disadvantages and how to handle a social loafer. One of the disadvantages is unequal participation (Pritchett, 2006). Some of the members may have a tendency to sit back and let other members do most of the work. This may lead to resentment and conflict in the workplace, and this may affect morale of some of the employees.
Some of the workers may fail to function properly as part of a team or group, preferring to work alone (Pritchett, 2006). Some of these individuals may be excellent workers when exposed to the right environment. However, they have diffi...
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