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Google's social responsibility ethics and the future

Essay Instructions:


Assignment Overview

Business Ethics are moral standards of conduct expected of a business by society. Social Responsibility involves the philosophies, policies, procedures, and actions that have the primary goal of enhancing society. Let us apply the concepts.

Case Assignment

Read Case: TOMS Shoes describes a unique business model combining for-profit and nonprofit philosophies into a corporate social responsibility model.

Naeini, A.; Dutt, A.; Angus, J. et.al. (June 7, 2015). A shoe for a shoe, and a smile. Business Today. Retrieved from


Address the following in a minimum 4-page academic essay (in addition to your cover page,and your reference page ) that demonstrates your critical-thinking skills. It should be written for an audience of business owners. As an ethics expert working for a national ethics association, you have been asked to address the following:

Research another organization that is also high on corporate social responsibility.

Compare and contrast their CSR approach with the CSR approach of TOMS Shoes.

What actions of organizations fall under the umbrella of “corporate social responsibility"? Give three examples of CSR activities beyond what you have learned from TOMS and the organization you discussed in this assignment.

Is it expected that successful organizations also have a CSR component in its values? Discuss by giving two additional employer examples.


This assignment should include third-person voice, in-text citations, and a references list. It should be evident that you followed some of the basics of APA formatting. Write a well-integrated paper with a strong introduction and conclusion, and use a few section headings (e.g., do not simply follow a Q & A format).

Bring in subject matter viewpoints (authors or speakers) to validate and support your writing. Utilize at least 3 sources that are not included as background readings in this course and are new to you. These sources, for example, can be found from searching the Trident Online Library databases (such as Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete, Skillsoft Books 24x7, and/or ProQuest Central).


Body of Knowledge Emphasis

The criterion in the grading rubric has been developed to measure student success in meeting the ETH501 Case 4 “introduced” expectations related body of knowledge. Assessment of any following body of knowledge skills at the “reinforced” and “emphasized” levels may be included in assignments in other courses that follow.

General References Useful for Preparing Graduate-Level Papers:

For a list of general reference sources related to locating library sources, using APA formatting, applying critical thinking skills, and so forth, see General References Useful for Preparing Graduate-Level Papers. It is not required that you read these sources page-by-page, but rather you refer to them for guidance.


Background reading ;


Bradley, J. (n.d.). Corporate Social Responsibility & Ethical Leadership. Small Business - Chron.com. Retrieved from http://smallbusiness(dot)chron(dot)com/corporate-social-responsibility-ethical-leadership-64123.html

Byars, S., & Stanberry, K. (2018). Business Ethics. Rice University, OpenStax. Retrieved from https://d3bxy9euw4e147(dot)cloudfront(dot)net/oscms-prodcms/media/documents/BusinessEthics-OP.pdf. pp. 83-88, 325-346. CC BY 4.0 license

Naeini, A., Dutt, A., Angus, J., Mardirossian, S., & Bonfanti, S. (2015). A shoe for a shoe, and a smile. Business Today. Retrieved from https://www(dot)businesstoday(dot)in/magazine/lbs-case-study/toms-shoes-shoes-for-free-cause-marketing-strategy-case-study/story/219444.html


Business Ethics: “The Magazine of Corporate Responsibility” http://business-ethics(dot)com/. [An online magazine published quarterly since 1987 “to promote ethical business practices, to serve that growing community of professionals and individuals striving to work and invest in responsible ways.”]

Corporate Responsibility Magazine (2019). 100 best corporate citizens, 2019. Retrieved from https://www(dot)3blassociation(dot)com/files/yMblCg/100BestCorporateCitizens_2019.pdf

Corporate Responsibility Magazine http://thecro(dot)com/. [This online magazine strives to provide corporate responsibility, sustainability and communications professionals a vibrant peer-to-peer network, actionable best practices and thought leadership, effective learning and professional development, and essential resources and tools.]

Corporate Social Responsibility & Ethical Leadership



Assignment Expectations

Your submission will be evaluated using the following criteria from the Case grading rubric, located in the Case drop box:

Assignment-driven criteria: Covers all key elements of the assignment in a substantive way (Body of Knowledge criterion).

Critical thinking: Conceptualizes the problem. Multiple information sources, expert opinion, and assumptions are analyzed, synthesized, and critically evaluated. Logically consistent conclusions are presented with appropriate rationale.

Business writing: Mastery in written communications and a skilled, knowledgeable, and error-free presentation to an appropriately specialized audience.

Effective use of information: Locates relevant and quality sources of information, using strong and compelling content to support ideas, convey understanding of the topic, and shape the whole work.

Citing sources: Mastery using in-text citations of sources, proper format for quotations, and correct format of full-source information in the reference list using APA style (bibliography).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Corporate Social Responsibility Ethics and The Future
Due Date
Corporate Social Responsibility Ethics and The Future
Google’s philanthropic activities and investments in the people are part of the company’s CSR strategy. The company has devoted resources to fight global climate change, improve literacy, alleviate poverty, and fight racial discrimination. Google has committed around $50 million to help kids and people in marginalized and disadvantaged communities in several regions of the world CITATION Abh19 \l 1033 (Pratap, 2019). This investment highlights the commitment the company has to some of the issues it aims to solve.
Compare and contrast their CSR approach with the CSR approach of TOMS Shoes.
Both Google and TOMS are interested in education. While the search giant is investing in creating and devoting technological tools and resources to help people, especially those from poor backgrounds, to pursue education, TOMS is addressing the problem by putting a book in their hands (Naeini et al., 2015). TOMS business model is that for every book bought, the company donates one to a child in need. With the goal being to enhance the education of the marginalized in society, both companies are indeed working to better the world.
Both companies are directly involved in solving the issue. For TOMS, it implements its CSR strategy without engaging third parties, but though Google partners with other companies to achieve their goals, some of its CSR projects are created, funded, and managed in-house. Some companies allocate the funds and channel them to third party entities with similar objectives. For example, if it is climate change, a nonprofit pushing for sustainable living and renewable energy, i.e., Greenpeace would secure funds from other companies. However, both TOMS and Google initiate the programs and do the CSR through their own internal processes. They create, fund, and manage the project rather than relying on third parties to achieve their goals.
TOMS’s approach to CSR is more focused on human challenges. When the founder Mycoskie founded the company, he had seen children without shoes in Argentina. He, therefore, founded the company to help those children. Similarly, the One for One initiative he started with the same business model; he avails eye care to those in need for every individual who purchases glasses from TOMS (Naeini et al., 2015). On the other hand, Google’s CSR strategy is partially focused on human challenges. The company also has invested heavily in clean energy and other programs to fight global climate change. While these problems do, in fact, affect the lives of people, their impact is felt indirectly. However, lacking shoes is an immediate problem that impacts people’s lives, while climate change impacts people’s lives but is not an immediate problem. The above statement does not demean or reduce the impact of climate change but draws attention to its long-term effects.
Secondly, Google’s budget for its CSR strategy is determined at the managerial level. The company management allocates the funds they intend to use for each program. They can always pull the plug on any project. On the other hand, TOMS’s strategy is based on selling similar items. For each item sold, part of the money is used to purchase a similar product for a child in need (Naeini et al., 2015). Therefore, the company does not determine beforehand how much they are going to spend, rather they take a certain percentage of their sales revenue and channel it to the issue they are fighting. On the one hand, Google can pull the plug on their CSR programs, especially if they are not performing or it is making losses. On the other hand, TOMS CSR programs are intrinsically tied to their sales volumes.
TOMS’s approach to CSR is to serve people and consumers who are not in their market. While the consumers of their products are primarily in the US, the beneficiaries of their CSR are in Argentina and other third world countries. Similarly, for the books and eyeglasses, TOMS serves people outside their primary consumers. On the other hand, Google seems to do CSR within its primary market. Code for America programs designed for racial justice and empowerment are all pertinent to their primary market in America. Additionally, while Google is a global company, there are some markets it does not serve; China. Google has not instituted any CSR programs in China.
What actions of organizations fall under the umbrella of “corporate social responsibility”? Give three examples of CSR activities beyond what you have learned from TOMS and the organization you discussed in this assignment.
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