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Google Essay

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Google as a company has not limited its’ greatness to the search ability that is gives to the millions of internet to users across the globe, but the magic spreads right to the employees as well. Making sure that the employees are treated in the best way possible is crucial to the success of any of the companies in the world. Supervisors have the mandate of making sure that the goals of the organisations and those of the employees meet at some point, to createcohesionand uniformity. Where the employees feel that their goals and objectives rime with those of the organisation, there is the element of belonging and enthusiasm developed (Chatterjee, 2012). These are some of the reasons that Google was named one of the top 100 fortune companies, explaining why it is also one of the most sought after company to work for today.
The culture
According to Google their culture relates to the fact that a company is made by the people that working there. Rather than go for the experience that most of the companies go for due to the fact that they do not want to train their employees, Google prefers ability over the experience. Regardless of the race or the place of origin, if one has the right abilities that they are looking for, they will get employed. The idea of diversity builds on the fact that they clientele as global and they cannot appreciate the diversity if the work force is not a reflection of their commitment. To encourage the kind of interaction that builds on the ideas between the different talents at the work place, there are no hindrances of interacting with the executives such as Larry, Sergey among others. This makes it easy for the employees to feel at ease with the work force and can better contribute through the open culture, whether they are in their offices or at the cafes.
At Google culture and the job are given the same platform, meaning that one of the primary objectives of the leader at the company is to make sure that over the 18,000 employees that work at the company there is a sense of belonging. All the employees have great opportunities and they all feel that they are having a positive impact at the company and in the society (Breene, 2013).
Google understands that a satisfied employee is mostly going to perform at their peak and have no distraction hat come in the form of complaints and welfare struggles that have gripped most of the companies in the world. As such the employee turnover at Google is very low. The employees at the company are treated to a welfare system that most of the companies only dream about. On the sitethe employees have access to a myriad of facilities that include, medical, dental, free meals, free dryers and washers, bike repair and oil change among other on a daily basis. Other than that the organisation is keen to help their employees develop and grow professionally and personally, such that they allow them to take a leave of absence of to 5 years in pursuit of further education, with added reimbursement of up to $150,000. The employees are also allowed unlimited sick leaves. According to Google the idea of a successfulbusiness lies in the way the employees are treated with respect and not how much money they can make by the quarter.
The philosophy
The first philosophy relates to the fact that the company believes that by treating the users to the best experience the other aspects would then follow. This would explain why their user experience is still top of the richest out there. The homepage is a reflection of a simplistic yet satisfying experience for the customers rather than self-serving to the company’s internal goals. The tools that are incorporated in the webpages are meticulous and leave the customers with gratitude.
The second philosophy relates to the fact that the company believes in doin...
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