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Essay Instructions:

Module 4 – Case Assignment


Assignment Overview

Globoforce is a successful provider of online employee reward and recognitions using cloud –based technologies. Since its founding in 1999 they have received substantial investment from venture capital firms, and have experienced rapid growth as well as positive media coverage regarding their own positive workforce culture and their software designed to improve employee motivation for their clients.

Globoforce recently planned to take an exit strategy via an initial public offering (IPO). However, at the last minute they changed their mind and cancelled their IPO. This last minute cold feet by Globoforce’s management suggests a rethinking as to whether or not an IPO is their best exit strategy.

Review the background materials and do some research on Globoforce. Below are a couple of articles to get you started:

Alspach, K. (Mar. 22, 2014). Software firm cancels its IPO. Boston Globe

Denison, D. C. (Nov. 4, 2012). Just rewards. Boston Globe

Case Assignment

Once you have thoroughly read the required background materials on exit strategies and finished your research on Globoforce, write a 3-page paper addressing the following questions:

  1. Do you think it is the right time for Globoforce to take an exit strategy, or should they wait longer? Explain your reasoning, and what kind of timeframe you propose for Globoforce’s exit strategy. Consider their current profitability and their current competition.
  2. What kind of exit strategy should Globoforce take? Consider the main exit strategies discussed in Hawkey (2002) and the Pearson tutorials. Explain the reasoning for your choice.

Assignment Expectations

  • Answer the assignment questions directly.
  • Stay focused on the precise assignment questions; don’t go off on tangents or devote a lot of space to summarizing general background materials.
  • List supporting references and cite sources in proper format.
  • Use appropriate writing style in essay form (organization, grammar, and spelling).
  • Review our “Writing Style Guide” for more detail on referencing and writing expectations. This guide is found under “My Resources” in the TLC Portal.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student Name:
Introduction: Globoforce is a popular provider of online rewards for worker and also recognition through cloud-based technology. The organization was founded in 1999 and has realized substantial investment from a number of venture capital firms hence experiencing tremendous development and positive media coverage in its workforce culture together with its software, designed to upgrade workforce motivation for its clients.
Recently the organization planned to exit the IPO (Initial Public Offering).In the last minute of its withdraw , the organization changed its plan and cancelled the IPO exit Globoforce strategized for its exit and to move on with IPO, but they still withhold the plan and withdraw (Denison,2012)..Initial public Offering is a strategy that is used by venture capital organization to exit and enter the next stage of investment.
Basically Initial Public Offering withdraw enables the organization to generate a great deal of capital that can be ploughed for investment purposes. It will also ensure the dramatic development of organizations and also exploit the available opportunities .In this research paper we will provide a discussion for various reasons of IPO withdraw by the Globoforce company and the kind of exit that has been adopted by the organization to handle the issue.(Alspach, 2014).
The method through which Globoforce Company and the respective Venture capitalist use to get out of the investment that they had made in the past. In simple terms, the exit plan by the organization is a way to cash out an investment. This process is also known as Liquidity event. Globoforce pulled its IPO in its last minute, due to warm reception from Initial Public Offering in the following weeks.(Feld, 2010).
The software company that is based in Dublin withdrew its Initial public offer in ...
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