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Global Mindset and Staffing Policy

Essay Instructions:

Describes three approaches to staffing policy: ethnocentric, polycentric, and geocentric. When is each approach appropriate? 

Also the global mindset has become important for the upper management in any company because in a globalized environment, every company is an international company. Explain your point of view on this matter.

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Global Mindset and staffing policy
Staffing policy
Staffing policy focuses on employee selection based on the skills required for specific jobs, and there are three international staffing policies: the ethnocentric, polycentric and geocentric. The ethnocentric staffing policy relates to filling the key positions in a foreign subsidiary with nationals from the parent country (Dowling, Festing, & Engle, 2008). This staffing policy is preferred when there are no adequate qualified individuals to fill the key management positions in the host country, and when there is a need to continue with a unified corporate culture. The polycentric approach seeks the recruitment of host country nationals who are tasked with managing the subsidiaries, with the parent company nationals stationed at the headquarters (Dowling, Festing, & Engle, 2008). The polycentric staffing policy is necessary when firms need to pursues a localization strategy, while also minimizing cultural myopia. The geocentric approach focuses on recruiting the best talent available regardless of the place of origin of the workforce. (Dowling, Festing, & Engle, 2008) This approach is most appropriate when pursuing a transnational strategy, where there is a unifying culture with executives being comfortable to work in diverse settings.
Global Mindset and international company
A person with a global mindset is one who utilizes global thinking in a local context, and is able to adapt the global strategies to the local environment (Dekker, 2013). A global mindset is necessary for any global leader as a cosmopolitan outlook makes it easier to deal with doing business under different cultures. Additionally, the cognitive complexity associated with a global mindset is acquired over time, but plays a crucial role while managing people from diverse cultures. There is likely to be structural tension for international organizations operating in different countries. Hence, a global mind set is necessary to limit the tension between formalization at the global level and local flexibility. In other words, global leaders need to recognize situations requiring the integration of local and...
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