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M8D1:Global Impact of Organizational Ethics.Business & Marketing Essay

Essay Instructions:

We share a global marketplace that allows us the opportunity to expand our organizational boundaries. This can lead to increased profit margins and employee opportunities. However, there is also a responsibility attached to this opportunity. We must go beyond the superficial cultural differences that we often focus on in order to increase our market share to a deeper understanding of cultural values that affect ethical behavior. The results of organizational behavior move across national borders through consumer, employee, political/trade, and economic interactions. As the Ethics in Global Market video states, our business organizations have more of an effect on livelihoods than governments.

Review the videos and readings for this module before starting this activity.



Michaelson, C. (2010). Revisiting the global business ethics question. Business Ethics Quarterly, 20(2), 237-251.

Blodgett, M., Dumas, C., & Zanzi, A. (2011). Emerging trends in global ethics: A comparative study of U.S. and international family business values . Journal of Business Ethics, 9929-38. doi:10.1007/s10551-011-1164-7

Hemphill, T., & Lillevik, W. (2011). The global economic ethic manifesto: Implementing a moral values foundation in the multinational enterprise. Journal of Business Ethics, 101(2), 213-230. doi:10.1007/s10551-010-0718-4

Module Notes: Global Impact of Organizational Ethics



Module 8 PowerPoint [PDF file size 2 MB]

Films Media Group (Producer). (2005). Fair trade, ethical trading: Ethical markets 1 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.[Streaming video][27 min 41 sec] Retrieved from Films on Demand database.

Films Media Group (Producer). (2000). Business Ethics: A 21st-century perspective (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. [Streaming video][16 min 03 sec]. Retrieved from Films on Demand database.

For your discussion:

Use the EC Virtual Library to locate an article that addresses a contemporary ethics issue and highlights the global component.

Create an ethical and moral framework, using the ethics theories from this course.

HINT: This framework should provide you with a way to evaluate the ethics issue and deal with the complexity.

Apply the created framework to the contemporary ethics issue, addressing the global component within the analysis.

Describe how the application of your framework helps you to address the issue.

Describe how the systematic application of the framework helps you effectively and ethically deal with the complexity of the global component.

Post your primary response on the discussion board. Be sure to review your writing for grammar and spelling before posting. Read any postings already provided by your instructor or fellow students. See the SBT Discussion Rubric for how you will be evaluated for this activity. You are also expected to read the responses to your original posts, and if a classmate raises a question or an issue that warrants a response, you are expected to respond.

Your responses to the discussion questions should relate the assigned readings and viewings to the discussion topic and should not consist only of personal opinion. Your opinion is important to the discussion, but you should add connections to the material to support your views. Without a foundation in the literature, your opinion has little professional value. For example, "Based on Trevino and Nelson's stance that cultural relativism creates an environment where unethical behavior is justified through the cultural discourse (year, P#), the discussion should center around...". This type of statement allows you to connect your views to the literature. This is possible even when you are providing personal examples.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Global Impact of Organizational Ethics
Global Impact of Organizational Ethics
Globalization expands the opportunities for firms. The concept of ethics is further convoluted by the growing aspect of globalization in multi-stakeholder environments. It is very important, in these dynamic times, to be able to apply ethical frameworks to ethical challenges (Blodgett, Dumas & Zanzi, 2011). This paper applies a defensible ethical framework to a global ethical issue, delineating how the systematic use of the framework helps to address the identified global ethical concern.
Ethical Issue/Concern-Unfair Trade
The global commerce normally assumes that all parties will benefit equally from free trade. However, some parties to economic trade have tended to be pushed to the bottom. It is not right as it diminished the dignity and hopes of some trade parties especially the producers. Films Media Group (2005) illustrates unfair practices whereby most coffee farmers could not enjoy or indulge in the end result of their produce say a cup of coffee at Java. Fair trade has been embraced by even consumers as it ensure fair wages for all trade parties. It helps eradicate the tendency to exploit the farmers or some parties to a trade.
Fair trade is a critical global movement ass it adds a people touch to the whole concept of global trade in the economic world. The producers who are equally important in the economic systems are often forgotten and do not benefit from the extensive benefits of economic trades. Fair trade helps to ensure the producers, for example, coffee farmers, are able to make a living wage off their labor (Films Media Group, 2005). Prior to the fair trade mandate, the producers and farmers were not able to make fair or even earn a minimum wage.
Most of the producers tended to be uneducated. The fair trade practice helps improve the lives of such producers and trade parties. Fair trade means hope, education and empowerment of the future. Fair trade adds a human phase to globalization.
Ethical Framework
The Global Economic Ethic Manifesto “Manifesto” is an ethical framework which emphasizes on a shared fundamental vision of what is just, legitimate, and fair in economic transactions/activities (Hemphill& Lillevik, 2011). The five principles of the “Manifesto” incl...
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